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discord: boxelder.
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I’m so mad at like 500 people on my computer half of which I invented
i feel like people who are close to MAGA folks (my entire extended family minus like 3 people) knew this all along. they don’t fucking hide it
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Reposted byAvatar boxelder
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
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Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
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But at least the media accurately covers Le Pen as “far right!” Trump practically gets covered like a moderate despite holding all of Le Pen’s nativist positions!
Reposted byAvatar boxelder
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Reposted byAvatar boxelder
I’m telling you the resting it on your pussy bone thing actually does kind of work
got my next date night covered
this is really the main problem. “every election is the most important election ever!” may be true now, but that doesn’t mean it should be or that it’s sustainable. and democrats simply do not care and will not take the extreme measures required to fix an extremely broken system
What I’m screaming about is the fact that even in the event that Biden wins—which I think he still absolutely could—I have such paltry confidence in this party to do anything to keep the NEXT election from taking years off my fucking life Or the next And the next
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if you see this post your cute pets
If you see this post your cute pets
Reposted byAvatar boxelder
"U.S. prosecutors are recommending to senior Justice Department officials that criminal charges be brought against Boeing, after finding the planemaker violated a settlement related to two fatal crashes, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters."
Exclusive: US prosecutors recommend DOJ criminally charge Boeing as deadline U.S. prosecutors are recommending to senior Justice Department officials that criminal charges be brought against Boeing after finding the planemaker violated a settlement related to two fatal crashes, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
every time i get a random new follower
seriously only takes a second. the gov should be doing more outreach to encourage booster uptake, not discouraging it!
there are shockingly few comments on this. it takes less time than it does to use the bathroom. if you’re accustomed to standing for that, take a seat. take a load off. this shit only works when they sneak it through. help literally everyone by telling them the booster must be widely acceptable.
back when i drank i would get home loaded, start making something to eat and then pass out before finishing fairly frequently. it was a recurring thing to wake up to black charcoal-looking discs that used to be pizzas in the oven. amazed I didn’t kill myself
i once left a small burner on simmer all night by accident. no smoke, but the sauce in the pan was black and crusty
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the whole "fascists make things work" thing is based on a bunch of bullshit from Mussolini and stereotypes about German efficiency and has nothing to do with empirical reality fascists do nothing but lie and hurt people, and the efficiency myth is nothing but another fascist lie
Folks really need to internalize this more. Fascists don’t make the trains run on time. They don’t make garbage collection smoother or roads better. They’re very very dumb! They do one and only one thing well: inflict pain on their perceived enemies.
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me when you degenerates talk shit about Maryland
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Just got a school email about an extra-help tutoring program available online. It included this sentence: "As a reminder, this service is not AI; the tutors are real teachers who provide excellent extra help." AI is already synonymous with useless junk that gives kids wrong answers. Keep it up
still in baby!
everyone is the world is playing CYBERSTRUCK, the fun new mandatory game in which you are eliminated when you see your first cybertruck in the wild rules are similar to whamageddon, but with no end date: • the cybertruck must be real, in the wild • as soon as you notice the cybertruck, you are out
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everyone who grew up hearing about illicit cybering on the internet in elementary school really struggles with using it as a verb to this day
God I hate that "cyber" has become the dumbfuck Enterprise Term™ for digital infosec
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Hello , I’m jamal from gaza I was studying software engineering and it’s was the last year , I love playing oud instruments and love the quite , I have a big dreams but the war suddenly destroyed everything , you can help me rebuild my life by helping me evacuating
i sometimes get bogged down with the thought that my social anxiety is so bad that it makes me a de facto bad person. i’m not really a member of any community. i’m not a good friend or ally to people. i’m just worthless
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head of six companies, including a major U.S. military communications contractor and a company that puts wires in paraplegics' brains, wants you to know that he considers filing fraudulent business records to be a trivial matter