
can I be really controversial and brave and say that a lot of you actually make me feel really anxious about the election
I see very little actual problem solving and very a lot of moral high-grounding and also some folks (largely who I do not follow for this reason) who have gone so left that they’ve circled back around to the right
like honestly the way some leftists talk really aligns to the project 2025 ethos of “destroy every institution”
The Senate and electoral college are undemocratic. The House is easily rigged. SCOTUS just ruled we have a god king and there is no checks on the president. Which one of these institutions do you think is worth defending? The system that led us here is obviously garbage.
well those are the only ones, just those, there is nothing else
Lol I literally went through every branch of the federal government.
good for you! proud of you! I have 8 years left in overall survival stats for my disease and don’t feel like engaging with someone who just wants to burn everything because they are equally powerless and depressed
there are no other named agencies or organizations in project 2025, obviously, there are only the branches of government I learned in third grade
I'm not defending project 2025. I'm here representing the left. And I'm telling you that the system that made project 2025 possible is the one that you for some reason want to defend. And I'm asking, what exactly is defensible about this system?
a willful misreading of everything I wrote, I applaud you!
Okay then explain yourself. You said leftists want to destroy every institution. I listed common leftist complaints with our institutions. And this somehow is not what you're talking about. So pray tell what ARE you talking about? The EPA? The FDA? I have never seen a leftist complain about those.
just some thoughts: 1. no one owes you an explanation, especially when you demand one 2. was she talking about you? but hit dogs, et c. 3. how exactly did you come by your mandate to "represent the left"? must have missed that meeting.
1. I'm gonna make a vague point with no explanation then accuse people of "willfully misunderstanding" me when they chirp back. 2. Yes. As I am a leftist that wants to tear down our institutions. 3. You weren't invited to the meetings.
1. you still haven’t actually read what she wrote. not saying your reading comprehension is effected by the gender of the writer, but… 2. hmmm. see #3 3. you and your hand cream don’t constitute a “meeting,” but grateful for the lack of invitation nevertheless
The 123 bit is getting old. Have fun at the phone banks.