
can I be really controversial and brave and say that a lot of you actually make me feel really anxious about the election
I see very little actual problem solving and very a lot of moral high-grounding and also some folks (largely who I do not follow for this reason) who have gone so left that they’ve circled back around to the right
like honestly the way some leftists talk really aligns to the project 2025 ethos of “destroy every institution”
I also see a lot of people making the (correct) point that the effects of something like project 2025 have been and are already being experienced by marginalized groups, but then they extrapolate to the argument that we therefore shouldn’t be so worried about it and it’s like… what?
yes, we should allow project 2025 to happen and make it harder to improve anything in the future, in fact we should just go ahead and get rid of the EPA and environmental regulations and let climate change end our species, problem solved!
idk I’m tired of the game of politics, I want the game of “what’s the best course of action to move toward a better and more just world”
also I am REALLY tired of the game of identity politics… like jfc I am not going to preface every statement with “as a queer chronically ill and disabled second generation Asian American woman” just so people don’t hurl disgusting insults at me for having a different viewpoint
anyways, I can’t wait for the christofascist state to become reality so I can die during pregnancy due to my rare blood disease that already killed me once when I had a miscarriage a month before Dobbs, like I can’t wait to die because a hospital legally can’t help me
idk, if the SCOTUS decision to make the president all powerful didn’t change your point of view even a little bit, I don’t know that I trust you to truly be in community with others
As we know this will somehow accelerate the process of a socialist utopia, so we celebrate your sacrifice
It absolutely sucks that it remains voting followed by individual actions but the impact of actual good governance is just insane
And like voting for president is (usually) the least important thing, it’s like city council, state senate, congress. This year means a bit more since the republicans made president king but
Hardcore progressives should vote in every primary, every local election. It’s the most powerful your vote gets
Politics are covered like a sport. It’s gross. We aren’t talking about who will get win the World Series. We’re talking about who will control the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. We’re talking about people with the power to alter many lives. These are not the same. Also, go birds go Phils.
I ♥️ this thread and I agree fully 💯👏
The left needs a series of goals to relentlessly press forward like the right does. If they don't pass, publicize who opposed, run against them on that platform, repeat. Instead, we have most Dems and their constituents hooked on glacially slow incrementalism, and I don't know how to break that.
it drives me up a wall because it's either accelerationism or some other kind of magical thinking that doesn't include how voting actually works, like it's all a primary somehow, or the second part of their plan is "??????" or "simple bloody revolution" and everything is cool on the other side of it
a lot of leftists talking about bloody revolution and yet that heritage foundation guy is still able to spout off his hateful rhetoric… I find that curious!
100%, and who is the system set up to stop, him or us? like I agree it is way past time there should be an uprising, but it's also not happening nor is it a way through for most of us. not wanting the status quo is still compatible with "stop what you can" and "live to continue the effort"
I find it curious that the people who will tell you it’s your moral duty to fight and die are uhhhh… still very much alive and able to scold others daily
1. Trump wins 2. ?????? 3. Communist utopia ?????? doing a lot of work here
?????? is a whole lot of dead bodies. I am not cool with that.
I was thinking the other day. Has accelerationism ever worked? I couldn't think of a single example, but I'm far from an expert.
“Nach Hitler, uns” worked eventually, but it took World War II, the invasion of the Red Army, and the partition of Germany, so that’s maybe not the best example.
I knew (white, cishet, male) accelerationists in 2016 I wanted to punch right in the face and it was way easier to make that argument then, but now? this isn't the collapse you're looking for
I'm tired of theory being more important than practice.
Communist Utopia is no more likely than a full court shot. And the price if they miss is a century of Fascism.
it's all just so demoralizing — the party is more concerned with being "right" than they are with winning, and people on the left don't seem to realize that revolution is closer to chemotherapy or cauterization than a real solution
the reason russia flipped communist in the first place is because of food shortages, an extremely unpopular war and the revolution itself was soldiers revolting against their officers. do you guys really think that's gonna happen here? its gotta get a lot worse before it gets better by violent means
i gotta start stockpiling estrogen because i have no idea whether it's gonna be possible for me to get it in the shockingly near future. and the people that are ostensibly here to stop this burned their political capital on seemingly everything except protecting my rights and seeking reelection
exactly, it's a horrible thing, and there's plenty of history to look at for it, but it's weirdly romanticized, and it's similar to the way people make plans for the post apocalypse without thinking about the apocalypse part of it
Avatar duel 3 branches of co-equal government, and a functioning EPA, oh yeah and breathable air / drinkable water
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I’ve been all over on a bunch of sites and I’m seeing something I didn’t see last time. People - many of whom are non-political or don’t normally pay attention at all - ARE seeing what 2025 aims to do and they’re deeply upset and planning to vote against Trump because of it.
Trump himself is starting to panic and claim he’s got nothing to do with it - and that’s a hell of a sign the Republicans know this is the poison pill that kills 2024 for them. But people aren’t letting up. They’re hammering this shit home and people are starting to wake the fuck up.
They're only coming for the immigrants, homosexuals, and transgender folks. I should say nothing cause I'm not an immigrant, gay or transgender I'm pretty sure that's what history has taught us
The Senate and electoral college are undemocratic. The House is easily rigged. SCOTUS just ruled we have a god king and there is no checks on the president. Which one of these institutions do you think is worth defending? The system that led us here is obviously garbage.
well those are the only ones, just those, there is nothing else
Lol I literally went through every branch of the federal government.
good for you! proud of you! I have 8 years left in overall survival stats for my disease and don’t feel like engaging with someone who just wants to burn everything because they are equally powerless and depressed
there are no other named agencies or organizations in project 2025, obviously, there are only the branches of government I learned in third grade
I'm not defending project 2025. I'm here representing the left. And I'm telling you that the system that made project 2025 possible is the one that you for some reason want to defend. And I'm asking, what exactly is defensible about this system?
yeah, so far left they've removed themselves from the game. very disappointing, and I've learned through IRL experience giving them shit won't bring them back. had to meet them where they were and walk them back, shouting from where I was wasn't effective.