
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
So, same as last survey?
This is showing Harris out-performing Biden, especially with independents, which might be a first. And if that's a real trend, it makes the case for her nomination that much stronger.
Not arguing that, just saying that the Biden deficit re. Trump didn't change.
Right, but that's bad, because the argument pre-debate was that the debate would show that Biden can get out there, make the case, and start swinging undecideds toward him. And I think that case gets less and less compelling every day.
All we’ve been hearing since Thursday is that the debate was so bad we need to talk about replacing him. No/little change in polling undermines that narrative, which never made any sense anyway.