
Here’s a nice person to block
People like this drive me up a damn wall
It’s people who lack the imagination and compassion to see beyond their own lives. And yet who see themselves as progressive.
this kind of shit bothers me so much and I have lived in blue states my entire life
Same. I watch friends in red states reply to these comments and explain why moving often isn’t possible and why it’s wrong to expect other people to casually abandon their homes, sometimes of generations, and how hurtful it is to say this! And somehow OP never learns. It’s a heartbreaking exercise.
And red states like Texas are wonderful places! Why should we surrender them to the other side?
Upstate New York is every bit as rock-red as rural Texas and anyone that tells you any different is lying to themselves as much as anyone else. California is way more than its bustling liberal metros, not that you'd see it if you watched on the teevee, but the notion our fight is regional is absurd
The most intensely pro trump place I've seen is Suffolk County NY
Long Island Republicans are the weirdest because they’re not Republicans for religious or even economic reasons really. They just love state-enforced racism.
I mean-- at least my LIGOP relatives-- there's a whole "why do I gotta pay taxes for that" vein where otherwise their attitudes on a lot of single points tend to be center-to-center-left? But yet, they don't want to pay taxes.
But on LI taxes are high and always going higher anyway, and on the county and local gov’t level it’s usually Republicans who are the ones raising them. They may grumble while paying, but limited government isn’t their voter’s highest priority.