
Here’s a nice person to block
People like this drive me up a damn wall
It’s people who lack the imagination and compassion to see beyond their own lives. And yet who see themselves as progressive.
this kind of shit bothers me so much and I have lived in blue states my entire life
Same. I watch friends in red states reply to these comments and explain why moving often isn’t possible and why it’s wrong to expect other people to casually abandon their homes, sometimes of generations, and how hurtful it is to say this! And somehow OP never learns. It’s a heartbreaking exercise.
And red states like Texas are wonderful places! Why should we surrender them to the other side?
Upstate New York is every bit as rock-red as rural Texas and anyone that tells you any different is lying to themselves as much as anyone else. California is way more than its bustling liberal metros, not that you'd see it if you watched on the teevee, but the notion our fight is regional is absurd
Said in a wry tone- because the climate is awful. Jokes aside, this is why moving hurts. I’m in a position of a certain level of privilege. I can still help, but my vote there no longer exists.
Yeah, but everyone living in a red state needs to have a plan for if they wind up living in the wrong side of a civil war or if mass violence breaks out under other circumstances. We are in severe danger of a total breakdown in basic public security.
that’s right and also! I have 7 nieces and nephews and I can easily drive to all of them right now.
Texan here. The decision to go into exile or not is so much more complicated than most people think. Here’s a very thoughtful article on the topic from an expert:
Stay and Fight, or Go into Exile? .
You shouldn’t have to move to another state to have full human rights. We’re all Americans. Also don’t we want more Dem voters in those states? (Former GA resident)
We elected Ann Richards for governor and the backlash is still ongoing.
Mostly wonderful. There's patches of highway in Texas that smell very very bad and are infested with flying insects that are attracted to it. If you drive through at night you eventually have to pull over constantly and clean your windshield off so you can see the road. Can't imagine living nearby.
And most of these states are in fact not red, but rather gerrymandered to death and voter-suppressed! People forget that before the Republican cabal, Texas elected Ann Richards as governor!
also like, not for nothin but these "let's let the red states die/secede/whatever other monstrous thing" people never seem to remotely give a single consideration to stuff such as this
Black Belt in the American South -
Grew up in blue states and have family in the bluest and the reddest states and the choices that brought people to red states aren’t reason to wish them ill. This isn’t “progressive” and it’s no kind of leftist politics I can name. It’s smug solipsism.
Red states are serious gravity wells. As someone who fled red>blue, the biggest challenge was stretching my low red wages to a blue state with a much higher cost of living. Higher wages came after, but didn’t resolve that initial leap.
This is like when Canadians smugly insist that they're so much better than everyone else because of their citizenship (I say as a Canadian). It is an accident of circumstance that we all live wherever we live and none of us should be punished for it.
We don’t get to choose our region of birth, our religious upbringing, skin color, family wealth, etc. “Just move” is an ablest & privileged stance that assumes people fighting generations of systemic oppression have equal access. I’m in TX & can’t move. My Black friends have even less privilege.
These types don't consider that a blue state can very quickly become a red state eg Virginia
This is completely true. Why should the solution be to abandon your home? But, sadly, the red states have proudly made it quite perilous to live there as a woman or transgender person, so the reason may be because the regime is endangering your life? Like for reals.
migration and colonization have always worked for white people just grab that manifest destiny magic and hustle off to buffalo y'all it's easy
I can understand costs but if you can then DO move !
One time my step-sister asked why I kept up with Alabama if I hated it so much. The answer was that I love Alabama and the people there deserve better than suppressed votes and systemic, orchestrated poverty — and attacks on the poor
And abandon those who can't? You seem nice.
We have family here. We've lately been reminded that Kansas is a scorpion state, something we were able to deny to ourselves when we moved back 20 years ago. But we're not leaving now. My town is very purple and we have had a democratic woman governor for something like 12 of the last 20.
Hey, just saw that he reposted your skeet about how the Grants Pass decision reflects an "empathy gap." Apparently this guy has no mirrors in his house.
And even then, something like, "I hate Trump" isn't enough. Shit, I worked in a warehouse with people that all hated the shit out of Trump & republicans, but would go on about how things are "too woke" and be complete homophobes. Blue voting doesn't make you a good person.
Brief rant- I’ve had to relocate out of Texas for my health. Very much against my will. I’m chronically ill and disabled from COVID. Without some serious luck in timing, this would be a nightmare. Moving costs money, time, and energy. It’s not easy and it’s not a magic wand.
This is so true, and I’m sorry you’re having to go through all this, CK. Wishing you improving health and lots of good luck.
Thank you. Better weather is making a noticable impact. And thank you for letting me borrow your space to rant. :)
Glad to hear it, and you are always welcome!
That is one of the biggest problems with the whole country today.
“Submission is a choice,” I say as I run away from any chance of actually solving a problem
So when MT gave its 3 electoral votes to Clinton, the first time those votes had gone to a Dem since FDR, did that make it a good state for four years? Or not, because it was because of Perot's influence? Or is what color a state is on CNN's map actually.... unimportant??
So they're kinda like a lot of republicans, then?
Same with the "let them secede" crowd. They don't give a crap about the people who would be fucked over.
What he's suggesting is a secession of the union, wherein half the states become a de facto hostile occupying force on their own land. This dude would blame slaves for getting on the ships. This is a public display of a Microwaved Brain.
I hate this almost as much as I hate the people who think that leaving the country is just a casual thing to do and if everyone doesn't do it then they deserve what's going to happen to them. Seeing that more and more now.
the kind of nonsense it takes for Mayor Josh to issue a "take a look at this goof"--wowowowowow
I try not to let it get under my skin or to target people, but this type of thing upsets me! Especially since he isn’t just replying but quote-skeeting
I will start a new list "Arrogant jerks" especially for him.
Huh, can't find him. Either I am blocking him already, or he is blocking me.
He seems to be gone.