
this is genuinely the attitude this website and coward dem electeds need to internalize
I want them to weep when they lose. I want them to sit there, crying into their celebratory wines, knowing that they will never have power and that they will be a footnote in history. I want them laid low, to suffer the pains of knowing that they have lost, forever.
Biden is the second Dem president in a row to take office with a clear mandate to destroy the Republican party for it's very obvious crimes and abuses, only to insist that a Return To Normalcy was far more important than justice, democracy, or the will of the people. All they care about is brunch.
Trump and his insurrection crew should have been arrested on Biden's first day in office But look at the mess we have now Garland and Wray aren't worth it F
Oh I agree with that completely. I'm just not seeing a mandate to destroy an entire political party, and particularly a way that doesn't start a civil war. I think it's probably inevitable at this point, but I'm not interested in going full Stalinist and starting it like that.
Jesus, I meant electorally, and I feel like it's wild to read it otherwise. They should have been made politically untouchable, instead of letting Bush become a loveable grandpa figure while every media org slowly morphs into Fox News.
again, how?!? how do you do this?!?
Look man, I have no idea what you want here. I'm a human being, I can't game out thirty years of what-ifs. But I lived through Bush, I lived through Trump, I saw them get free passes for historic shit--Iraq, covid--that should have kneecapped Republicans for decades, b/c leadership wanted to move on
Maybe all that would have been impossible, I don't know, but neither does anyone else, because we didn't pursue it. But we had two absolutely catastrophic Republican presidencies that seriously damaged this country at home & abroad, & instead of acknowledging that, we let it fester.
We got "Mitch is a good friend" & "we need a strong Republican party" & Sonya and Amy speaking tours. So yes, I do blame Dem leadership for declining to bare their teeth, again and again. Sorry if that's unreasonable. If you still want to yell at me, lemme know and I'll mute the thread.
i promise that i am not trying to beat you up (too much), i hate all of this shit, too, but, like, it’s just not as easy as do [x] say [x], win elections. it’s just not, and i get frustrated by the assertion that it is. winning 55% of the vote means 45% of the entire country disagrees.
Of course it's not that easy, but you don't erode the grip Republicans have on that 45% by constantly helping them hide their failings. Right now, they get to pretend they were right about all of it, & that illusion boosts their numbers--not all that 45% is committed fascists.
Democracies are hard. When half the country doesnt actually believe in it, it gets really hard.
I don't think the vote will matter, the republicans are going to cheat and say it's legal and take it to the supreme court, then you know what happens We need as action now , Biden needs to order the arrest of Trump and his insurrection crew, they can be tried by a military tribunal
An incoming POTUS comes in with a limited supply of goodwill and "capital" to spend on whatever. Obama had a theoretical filibuster Senate majority for about 2 months. He spent EVERYTHING he had on his signature healthcare plan and still only got a crappy 2 bit version.
And that was it. He shot everything on his healthcare plan and *barely* got anything to show for it. That was his big accomplishment. There was no party or national interest in going back on a war crimes investigation on Bush, Yoo, Addington Rumsfeld and Cheney.
It was discussed, and the consensus was that it would basically destroy the administration and almost certainly be impossible to get any convictions. There is no way at present to bury the Republican party short of something happening that will probably be horrifying.