Mr. Skippy, If You're Nasty

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Mr. Skippy, If You're Nasty

Into anime, video games, wrestling, scifi/fantasy. Hope this place doesn't get sold to a megalomaniac with a public humiliation fetish.
He/They NB. Trying to make the world less terrible than I found it.
Do people understand that in the phrase "I've known you since you were a twinkle in your dad's eye", the "twinkle" is your dad being hornt up for your mom
Because it is the last name, and Adam views Victor as a father, it's actually most accurate to say that Frankenstein is the name of the Monster *and* the Doctor
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
like it's very clear what's happened here (and was probably clear to KG when he said it, maybe even to provoke this exact response from black): tenacious D is now a band that exists to do brittany spears covers on the kung fu panda 4 soundtrack, and fucking with that is fucking with black's money
Like, alright, I don't like people who only post about posting. I prefer to follow people with like, interests they talk about. But I sure as shit don't think those people deserve the Poster's Iron Maiden for it
If you don't like what A Guy was posting, block him. Don't tattle on him to the mods unless he was doing nazi pedo shit (which the mods wouldn't care about anyways but I digress)
"how will this site do well without Journalists(TM), Celebrities(TM), and Thought Leaders(TM)?" Guess what? I don't care if this site "does well", I care that I get to say the insane things that pop into my head and anyone who finds that entertaining gets to see it. That's it. That's all.
If the founders didn't anticipate people who all want to install one guy as king working behind the scenes to control the levers of institutional power until they could install that guy as king, they were kinda fucking dumb
Who cares if a guy deactivated or went on vacation? I do not understand the moral weight people put on social media access to others. If I died tomorrow none of you would know other than you wouldn't see my posts anymore, and you might not even notice that
Contrary to popular belief, being an asshole *is* a personality, a popular one even, up until it's directed at you.
Is there a nonbinary form for adult children (son, daughter) that doesn't imply age directly like child or children?
Time to get a CBS procedural
Congratulations, you are now a psychic/investigator.
Me when I develop a citrus allergy
So Orange is just a murderer now? 🤼
There's some people there's basically no point in following 'cause all their shit is gonna get reskeeted by 8 different folks you do follow anyways. Those people should not be upset someone doesn't want to follow them. They are like unto the Olympians compared to we mortals
Social media has poisoned many brains in many ways but the most annoying way is the concept of Clout and it's associated moral weight
Also the Needle Knight Leda NPC brawl just felt like Bluesky during Discourse, so that was way easy
All that being said, it's wild that Midra is the best boss in the DLC.
Watching the secret sleepover Bloodborne vod and wow Orphan of Kos feels like Just A Normal Boss compared to Elden Ring. We need to get FromSoft back to wanting to design a series of very thematically cohesive corridors and bosses that are just cool, instead of the arms race the no-hitters are in
Someone should invent a robot that goes downstairs and gets me a sody pap out of the fridge
I love how some bands just describe their favorite subject matter as their genre. "Superhero metal" like alright cool that doesnt tell me what you sound like aside from you use electric guitar but go off
Oh. So that's the last boss of the dlc. Dear God.
Some of y'all are so funny. If someone decides to stop posting on this webbed site it is not the end of the world. People on here acting like a 13 year old on deviantArt in 2011 I swear to god
Soon, everyone will have harassed everyone else off Bluesky and only I will remain, liveblogging wrestling to only the howling winds
The issue with The Bear season over season is that all the characters seem to get developed and then immediately revert at the drop of a pin so you get the illusion of growth with none of the long term writing change
The thing I hate the most about election season is the people who were the most loudly wrong about the last two elections are still opining. Take a fuckin knee on this one guys. Get into magic the gathering or something
Cherry blossoms fall A misplaced, fleeting young love Show me that butthole
"Show me that butthole" is five syllables, if you're ever writing a haiku and don't know how to end it
If you see this post, post something red
if you see this post, post something red
This but Heenan might as well just be canon
Ya think Vince ever tried to ride Andre around Master Blaster style? 🤼‍♀️