
The Times can run full court pressure campaigns over political scandals when they want to, as we saw with both Claudine Gay and EMAILS! the thing is they just don't want to with Trump
Remember when they kept running stories that were like "still no backlash for embattled MIT president, calls to resign stubbornly refuse to appear... so far"
At least the guys running the politics desk do
The New York Times really likes Donald Trump and wants him to win.
Maybe if we can get Trump enrolled at Harvard the times will deem his anti semitic comments as newsworthy as some sophomore saying "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" at a protest
what if he ran a DEI office at an Ivy League school
They'd just say "Trump Reportedly Makes Anti-Semitic Remarks" Subhed: Unusual Comments Draw Criticism From Democrats
Love that mysterious passive voice.
NYT: "Trump Remarks Concerning Say Supporters of Israel" Subhed: But Primary Concern Is Still Biden & Democratic Antisemitism
I think the problem is that they wouldn't at that point because "Well he's speaking in support of Israel how can that be anti semetic?" Which like you just have to see the words but it's not like these clowns do that.
Bring back the MIT professor uncle
Would love to know what the dinner table conversation is like in the Peter Baker/Susan Glasser house after Susan published that piece that called all this shit out
Some of the political reporters, whether assigned to WH pressroom, did complain (albeit hushed) that the current administration is boring. They’re playing their own role with the matches and lighter fluid.
Probably also Punch or Pinch or whatever dumb nickname the owner uses
That would be so much better than the truth (they’re moderate liberal idiots that went to Harvard and think they’re savvy)
I think this is probably true but my Clusterfuckery Theory also comes into play: Trump gives too many storylines, it makes period of focus on any too difficult (not gish gallop, partly because often unintentional)
If "Trump" was a nickname for hormone replacement therapy, perhaps we could get the NYTimes interested.
what if he ran a DEI office at an Ivy League school
maybe we could convince them he likes food from a different city better than nyc
we haven’t had a good “nyt visits the provinces” story from the food/travel section in years. now is the time
Maybe he’ll divorce Melania and marry an Ivy League graduate whose dad runs a hedge fund, with the wedding held at a leafy event space in Red Hook and the minister a UU-ordained poet who moonlights as a burlesque performer; that should be good for a couple of pages.
The New York Times really likes Donald Trump and wants him to win.
This was a great point about the game the NYT plays:
Kind of like how nobody in zombie movies has ever heard the word "zombie," the New York Times writes about a fictional world in which the New York Times doesn't exist
there's no storyline to be had in multiple high-profile trials & rulings including a half-billion debt to the state of New York, it's just not relevant to the Times or its readers' interests
Remember when the Times ran a very well researched and darning report on trump’s tax returns and then never mentioned it again
live shot of the NY Times headquarters if these "Jewish Democrats hate Israel and their religion" comments were made by Ilhan Omar instead of Donald Trump
At least the Times has been restrained and nuanced discussing Biden's age.
Yes, look how restrained and nuanced their discussions about Biden’s age by always discussing his age in a restrained and nuanced way.
One article per day for each year Biden is alive, and repeat every 3 months.
You know when NYT doesn't want to own up to how they cover Trump because they don't open the comments. This is exactly the kind of question they'd get if this story allowed comments.
The Times could run the exact same “age and mental capacity” stories they’ve run about Biden essentially word for word, and still have dozens of Trump-specific takes on the subject uncovered.
The Times C-Suite and Board of Directors won't get themselves a multi-trillion-dollar tax break with journalism. Can you imagine if they don't get the divestiture they'd banked on? They might have to start living in America or something awful like that.
I wonder if the owners of the New York Times might have been included in information contained in Jeffrey Epstein's safe? The one that was opened by the FBI, full of hard drives and CD discs, the contents of which they weren't able to get a warrant to obtain for several days.
FBI agents used a saw to open a safe in Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan mansion that held hard drives and The FBI agent said a search of Epstein's mansion found numerous hard drives and CDs filled with photographs.
It doesn't pay to beat on Trump.
Is it possible they fear retribution? Trump is not exactly restrained in his criticism of them now - what would he do if they were actually going after him?