
incredible self own by the administrators. a few dozens protesters could've never been so disruptive to shut down the entire columbia campus but in trying to stop the protests, the administration did it for them
I can confirm that even faculty IDs are deactivated at Columbia today, and that it is impossible to access the buildings without security escort.
The NYPD is already licking their lips thinking about how much overtime they'll be able to bill for Columbia's graduation ceremony and related events. There are entire towns of guys in Long Island whose pensions are gonna get juiced into six figures this May
Graduation is in less than 3 weeks. Administration is gonna have full body pat-downs and helicopter searchlights, hunting down thoughtcrime on Your Special Child's Big Day, plz keep sending us $70K per year
They’re living in fear of being Claudine Gay’d. Also most people in university admin, like executives in the private sector, are appeasers by nature. The people Havel was talking about when he warned about the tyranny of collaborators.
I'll only support the return of mandatory civics classes when they make students watch the 1997 hidden gem Copland.
One of the most realistic movies about cop culture ever made
I've done no research but I feel like it's one of those movies that cops love completely without any sense of self reflection or irony. Like every guy I knew in the military who loved Starship Troopers.
arguably Stallone's greatest post-Rocky moment
Michael be reasonable they are honoring the indigenous Massapequa and Ronkonkoma people by turning the towns that bear their names into Edens of wealth
Similarly I’m sure many in the CPD have been licking their chops since the DNC announced Chicago would be the site of this year’s convention.
I think it's awesome that we have this cancerous institution called "The Police Union" that, like a cancer, keeps vacuuming up resources at greater and greater scale, causing the rest of the body / society to begin necrotizing. And no one wants to do anything about it.
I don't know, man. This admin escalates *every day*. By Tuesday they're gonna be reenacting Kent State. Ain't gonna be students left to police at graduation
HOW DOES ANYONE FUCK THIS UP SO BAD University administrators get like mid-six figures, maybe 7 for an Ivy I will NOT arrest legacy admission children upset about genocide for the low, low price of $75K. I have no formal training, just a prodigy at administration I guess
Depending on the amount of OT they've already logged they might participate in a different way.
Even the NYPD chief thought it was odd Shafik called them in to arrest students!
"They held a concert out on Jones watch the Island's budgets blow" - Miami 2027, Billy Joel (sequel to Miami 2017 that I have written for Mr. Joel and am trying to give to him but his security guards are strong!)
Sort of clarifying for the school to just straight up treat the students as potential enemy combatants, if a bit on the nose
They’re using that always-successful strategy of “If we act tough enough conservatives will respect us and stop attacking us”
One day I will do the research and find out what kinds of trouble an individual senator or congressperson can cause because it seems to me that Republicans don't have the power to even do anything to Columbia right? Is it appeasing people who can't even do anything? It's so weird.
They’re living in fear of being Claudine Gay’d. Also most people in university admin, like executives in the private sector, are appeasers by nature. The people Havel was talking about when he warned about the tyranny of collaborators.
Presumably they're more terrified of their donors than any specific congressperson.
'we will surrender to the right wingers attacking us so hard they won't know what hit them'
Graduation is in less than 3 weeks. Administration is gonna have full body pat-downs and helicopter searchlights, hunting down thoughtcrime on Your Special Child's Big Day, plz keep sending us $70K per year
Just out of curiosity, if the students took their $70k a year and used it to hire some private, off-campus exhibition halls and had the professors give lectures there instead, how would that affect their educations?
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It's not the education it is the networking
Everyone but the administrators would still be involved in the process. Networking would still get done. Probably more naturally than in a highly regimented cultural environment.
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Alumni are the most important part creating a new institution separates you from that network
They wouldn't need to separate themselves from the institution, just from the administration and the campus. Knowledge isn't made of bricks and mortar, but the minds housed within them. Or without them, as the case may be.
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And if you don't have that network, parents aren't going to set their life savings on fire so you can sit around learning for learning's sake.
Instead of "Pomp and Circumstance," they can play this:
Once you’re openly in the tank for fascism & genocide, there’s nothing to do but double down until you’re destroyed.
If while digging a hole you find yourself stuck in it, keep digging. Eventually you'll reach China.
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As a metaphor, I think it works better if you say “eventually you’ll reach magma and be incinerated for your folly”
Shh! I was trying not to spoil the surprise.
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It’s nuts to think Columbia students are going to be intimidated by a few arrests. It’s fuel to the fire. Streisand effect galore
Yeah not too sure arresting ppl who all know 10 lawyers is really gonna scare those ppl
“You ask for a miracle, Theo? I give you the Columbia university administration.”
What timing--I have no idea what Columbia's academic calendar looks like, but in most schools, it's close to finals week.
Well surely their highest priority has to be protecting the students being targeted by the hate group saying that a certain nationality isn't welcome there, right? Rather than the hate group's right to go on demonstrating for a campus free of that nationality.
It's truly bizarre to watch people chanting "We don't want their kind here" and "From end to end, Region X belongs to one ethnicity only" and have that written up as if this were something noble, like anti-apartheid or nuclear freeze.
What's truly bizarre is pretending like Israel's Nation-State Law, Law of Citizenship and Entry and Law of Return aren't an apartheid system, and then hypocritically objecting to the phrase "Palestine Will Be Free" because of the assumption no Palestinian can be free as long as there are Jews around
Palestinians can be free as long as they accept that Israelis have the right to be free too, and to decide their own state's nature and immigration policies. You don't hope to force Palestine to allow immigration from all people without restriction, right?
It wouldn't be okay if millions of Jews from all over the world immigrated to a free Palestinian state specifically for the purpose of changing it from an Islamic state to a Jewish state, right?
Actually they can't be free "as long as they accept that Israelis have the right to be free." Israeli law says the opposite and they're living on valuable real estate and the IDF and Uzi toting settlers will kill them all for the real estate value of their mass graves. They did the math.
Gee where have I heard this story before, about these cartoon villains who just love blood because they're evil?
Doing an IRL denial of service attack on an ivy league university.