Sean Mullan

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Sean Mullan

Social democrat, pluralist, ∞
Springfield, MA
Langs: Eng, Deu, learning Esp

(Here to info gather—observe, but say little)
‘“MBTA Communities is a good law, and it is certainly better than nothing,” said Schuster. “But we’ve spent too much time focusing on a law that is not the be-all end-all solution. We have to start talking about what we can do next.”’
The state’s new housing law aimed to help fix the affordability crisis. Experts say it won’t deliver. - The Boston As towns file their MBTA Communities plans with the state, many are drawing zones that will likely produce far less new housing than the law anticipates. And it’s entirely by the book.
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„Aber es war und ist auch die rechte Latenzgewalt, die es vielen jungen Menschen unerträglich machte, zu bleiben. Und andere zum Verstummen brachte. Bis heute.“ über die rechte Gewalt, die gar nicht physisch werden muss um zu wirken. Ein unerträgliches Klima der Angst.
Rechtsextreme Gewalt: Sind die Neunziger wieder da? Die Angst vor rechtsextremer Gewalt geht um – vor allem im Osten, wo sie Erinnerungen an die düsteren Zeiten weckt, in denen der Baseballschläger regierte.
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Gewaltattacken, Brandanschläge, Todesdrohungen: Brutale Anfeindungen gegen Politiker erschüttern die Demokratie. Experten beobachten eine wachsende rechte Jugendkultur und fordern mehr Schutz – vor allem für Amtsträger in den Kommunen. Die SPIEGEL-Titelstory.
Angriffe auf Politiker: Woher kommt dieser Hass? Gewaltattacken, Brandanschläge, Todesdrohungen: Brutale Anfeindungen gegen Politiker erschüttern die Demokratie. Experten beobachten eine wachsende rechte Jugendkultur und fordern mehr Schutz – vor allem für Amtsträger in den Kommunen. Die…
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In recent years, authorities have rolled back policies designed to manage protests peacefully, and now, using riot police to break up peaceful protest is becoming common. Heather Sullivan discusses these regulations, separations, and crack downs. Read:
Using riot police to break up peaceful protest is becoming U.S. universities are becoming less likely to negotiate with student protesters. They're calling in riot police to break up the protests.
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For those interested in my … thoughts on Kant, his upcoming 300th anniversary, and the case for peace, check out this weekend’s
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It’s a small thing, but I’m glad Politico is putting this plainly: “It’s also a sign that, should Trump once again attempt to overturn the election, he will already have in place tens of thousands of workers who could help with that effort.”
Trump campaign says it will deploy thousands of election workers to monitor poll The program underscores Trump’s fixation with election security, which he deployed in an effort to undermine results of the 2020 election.
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"It’s hard to think of a time since the anti-Communist House Un-American Activities Committee when Congress has made such an effort to investigate disfavored ideologies in academe." Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia Obliged.
Opinion | Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia The latest campus antisemitism hearing was a travesty.
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This is terrifying. These “Constitutional sheriffs” are fascistic petty tyrants who believe they’re accountable to nobody. And their wingnut “posses,” hopped up on conspiracy theories, are gonna harass and intimidate voters. Or worse.
Far-Right Sheriffs Want a Citizen Army to Stop 'Illegal Immigrant' Speakers at a conference for Constitutional Sheriffs claimed that militias need to patrol polling stations to stop the "expected flood" of immigrant voters.
‘According to SPIEGEL information, police in Bayreuth have arrested two suspected spies. They are said to have spied on US bases on behalf of Russia and planned attacks on military transport routes. In their sights: German aid to Ukraine.’
Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen hat die Polizei in Bayreuth zwei mutmaßliche Spione festgenommen. Sie sollen im Auftrag Russlands US-Stützpunkte ausgespäht und Anschläge auf militärische Transportwege geplant haben. Im Visier: die deutsche Ukrainehilfe.
Generalbundesanwalt ermittelt: Zwei mutmaßliche russische Saboteure in Bayern Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen hat die Polizei in Bayreuth zwei mutmaßliche Spione festgenommen. Sie sollen im Auftrag Russlands US-Stützpunkte ausgespäht und Anschläge auf militärische Transportwege geplant haben. Im Visier: die deutsche Ukrainehilfe.
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An isolated Netanyahu facing widespread criticism a week ago now has the backing of the West and has deflected global attention from Gaza. By Mairav Zonszein
Mairav Zonszein - Foreign Mairav Zonszein is the senior Israel analyst at the International Crisis Group.
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NEW: Senate plans to vote tomorrow on a FISA provision that legal experts say will greatly expand a US wiretap program, forcing whole new categories of businesses to spy on Americans communicating with people overseas. Critics on Capitol Hill are calling it the "Stasi provision"
US Senate to Vote on a Wiretap Bill That Critics Call ‘Stasi-Like’ A controversial bill reauthorizing the Section 702 spy program may force whole new categories of businesses to eavesdrop on the US government's behalf, including on fellow Americans.
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For the new issue of Bookforum, I reviewed Joshua Green's "The Rebels," which represents the mainstreaming of the left’s narrative on economics, as told through the rise of Warren, Sanders, and AOC
Oh Say Joshua Green’s chronicle of the Democratic Party’s left flank – David Klion
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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party appears likely to win in the country’s coming election, writes Hartosh Singh Bal. And if the BJP wins big, Modi will be able to do more to deliver on his promise of creating a Hindu nation.
The End of Secular Modi’s quest to entrench Hindu nationalism.
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Alex de Waal and Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe examine Ethiopia’s multiplying crises—and urge the United States and other Western governments to help prevent the country’s slide into mass starvation.
Ethiopia Back on the Abiy’s reckless ambition—and Emirati meddling—are fueling chaos in the Horn.
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Writing about Trump's efforts to claim the police as political allies — and the extent to which they accede — I came across research showing how often the partisan composition of police forces sits well to the right of the places they serve.
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The expansive and experimental effort is being used to conduct mass surveillance there, collecting and cataloging the faces of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, according to Israeli intelligence officers, military officials and soldiers.
Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in The experimental effort, which has not been disclosed, is being used to conduct mass surveillance of Palestinians in Gaza, according to military officials and others.
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'Lawmakers…are pushing a coordinated effort to bring chaplains into public schools, aided by a new, legislation-crafting network that aims to address policy issues “from a biblical world view” & by a consortium whose promotional materials say chaplains are a way to convert millions to Christianity'
Putting chaplains in public school is the latest battle in culture Energized by Supreme Court rulings weakening church-state separation, lawmakers across the country are filing bills to put chaplains in public schools.
'[M]y very rough guess is that in 5 or 10 years, the law might generate, 20-30,000 units of new housing, but the best estimates for how much we need region-wide to actually reduce rents and make housing significantly more accessible suggest we need hundreds of thousands of units over 5 or 10 years'
Boston researcher says impact of MBTA Communities zoning requirement are Luc Schuster, executive director of the Boston Indicators Research Center at the Boston Foundation, argues everyone is making a bigger deal out of this law than it needs to be. He joined WBUR's Mornin...
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Starbucks has been the worst union-buster in decades, but it has signaled it wants to turn the page & make peace with its union If Starbucks agrees to a first contract soon, that could be a boon for recently unionized workers at REI, Trader Joe's & elsewhere
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How the US Waged a Global Campaign Against Baby Formula Regulation Records & interviews show that the US govt repeatedly used its muscle to advance the interests of large baby formula companies while thwarting the efforts of Thailand and other developing countries to safeguard children’s health.
How the U.S. Waged a Global Campaign Against Baby Formula Records and interviews show that the U.S. government repeatedly used its muscle to advance the interests of large baby formula companies while thwarting the efforts of Thailand and other developing co...
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This piece by is excellent. Reformers need to think more carefully about the risk that new moderation powers will be hijacked by authoritarians. We can mitigate the biggest problems with the digital public sphere without investing officials with the power to suppress speech.
The Risks of Internet Well-intentioned efforts could jeopardize free speech.