Old Bold Pilot

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Old Bold Pilot


Do not exceed 1000 ft. AGL, avoid radar.

I built the plane I fly.

Probably kicked off Twatter cuz I could follow all 4 of musky’s B-Js.
Reposted byAvatar Old Bold Pilot
Who actually gives a fuck? Really?
Well, he sure as shit couldn’t appoint a woman or black man. And BTW, if an AR-15 round had grazed his ear, his ear would have been gone.
He’s going to perp walk with Liz Cheney and Mike Pence.
I do not drink that piss in a can cuz of that fascist family.
But what it’s just the beginning of a fad for introverted white boys with big guns to get their 15 minutes of fame by shooting politicians instead of school children. Gotta love the karma!
Of course he’s complicit. bsky.app/profile/stsp...
meidasnews.com/news/unearth... “In a bombshell new audio recording just released, the leader of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, claims that Donald Trump is purposefully lying to the American public by asserting that he does not know who is behind Project 2025.” : cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/QyL...
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Project 2025 Leader Admits Trump Lying About Not Being Involved with Planmeidasnews.com This is a bombshell new audio recording
Thomas told her to do it. Read his separate decision in the executive is king case. Delay, delay, delay.
Ironic that Biden is king right now but conservative judiciary will only allow ReThug kings. Delay, delay, delay.
C’mon folks, Thomas told her to do it. It was right there in his extra special ruling on executive privilege to be king. She’s just a tool. Nothing more than delay, delay, delay.
Perhaps the new hobby of young loner guys with an AR-15. No glory left in doing what others have done so often. But, killing a politician, especially high level, you’ll be in the history books. I’m thinking this is the new blood sport and I gotta admit, there’s a certain amount of karma attached.
I’m thinking this is the next fad. Kids with AR-15s shooting politicians. Certain level of karma.
School was out and there isn’t much fame in killing a bunch of kids. Anyone can do it. But killing a presidential candidate is worthy of fame. Crooks made it into history books big time. However politicians might want to ponder whether everyone should be heavily armed. They might be the next fad.
It is summertime. No schools to shoot up if you’re a loner looking to make a name for yourself. Besides, anyone can get an AR15 and shoot up a school. Not much fame and glory in that anymore. But you will live in history books forever if you kill a presidential candidate.
Be careful out there GQP politicians. This is what you created. In order to be remembered in history books, they‘ll be coming after you. It’s called karma.
So happy my grandchildren will get to live through the second McCarthy era. The GQP cult can never get enough paranoia.
Cuz the RNC is broke paying his legal bills, so he holds nothing but hokey outside rallies.
He knows. bsky.app/profile/stsp...
meidasnews.com/news/unearth... “In a bombshell new audio recording just released, the leader of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, claims that Donald Trump is purposefully lying to the American public by asserting that he does not know who is behind Project 2025.” : cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/QyL...
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Project 2025 Leader Admits Trump Lying About Not Being Involved with Planmeidasnews.com This is a bombshell new audio recording
Why is the 🍊💩 having rinky dink outdoor rallies? Is the RNC broke paying his legal bills?
Heard the FBI isn’t confirming type of weapon. But at least we know it wasn’t a Carcano, else the 🍊💩 would be past tense.
Dearest Kate, NO FUCKING WAY, BITCH, Sincerely, Someone who doesn’t give a fuck about you so get over yourself
And he can’t walk away from the Heritage Foundation. bsky.app/profile/stsp...
meidasnews.com/news/unearth... “In a bombshell new audio recording just released, the leader of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, claims that Donald Trump is purposefully lying to the American public by asserting that he does not know who is behind Project 2025.” : cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/QyL...
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Project 2025 Leader Admits Trump Lying About Not Being Involved with Planmeidasnews.com This is a bombshell new audio recording
Just send them this: bsky.app/profile/stsp...
meidasnews.com/news/unearth... “In a bombshell new audio recording just released, the leader of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, claims that Donald Trump is purposefully lying to the American public by asserting that he does not know who is behind Project 2025.” : cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/QyL...
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Project 2025 Leader Admits Trump Lying About Not Being Involved with Planmeidasnews.com This is a bombshell new audio recording
That’s cuz he can now, he’s the king. SCOTUS anointed him.
And well they should. bsky.app/profile/stsp...
meidasnews.com/news/unearth... “In a bombshell new audio recording just released, the leader of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, claims that Donald Trump is purposefully lying to the American public by asserting that he does not know who is behind Project 2025.” : cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/QyL...
BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Project 2025 Leader Admits Trump Lying About Not Being Involved with Planmeidasnews.com This is a bombshell new audio recording