
the fact that the left and centre in France have both said that the third place candidates will drop out is getting basically no play in a US press going full apeshit over Round 1 results and yes it is so that you think fascism is inevitable globally so why not here
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
The SCOTUS may be the fountainhead but nobody wants a fascist USA more than the legacy media here, like nobody. Not even Trump wants it this bad.
The media is owned by right wing billionaires who have been feeding us absolute crap.
which is so odd as it's hard to imagine how a fully fascist USA would benefit them even in the near term; fascist governments are uniformly hostile to traditional media, aren't they?
Oh they think they'll be rewarded for loyalty by the fascists and the surviving non fascists will be panic checking their pubs everyday to se what fresh hell has happened, they really think theyre super fucking clever
never once stopping to consider that the leopard eating faces tweet got so popular not just because it is funny but because it is true
I'm convinced that their billionaire owners would love to be absolute rulers, and the editors in charge are mostly white men with some means who think they'll be fine. And in the meantime, clicks & revenue! (I don't think the editors have any idea what's coming. Privilege tends to do that.)
Not to mention the pageantry. No one does big production numbers like the fascists.
If they end up against the wall are they going to be thinking, "At least I died a hero of journalism?" It's crazy making
I’m guessing it’s just straight greed that’s lead them to doing this
But it might work for us!
On the "bright" side, David Brooks thinks fascism is the same as "Nancy Pelosi said a random thing a random number of years ago."
Sadly not all the center. But yeah there is still a bit of hope for us. Not that much but a little bit
To be clear, the French Republic will not fall regardless of the outcome. There will be an election in 2027.
do you think fascists are generally known for running free and fair elections
i don’t understand why anyone thinks anything is safe anymore. the old norms are gone and were pretty fucking fragile anyway. please update your software and prepare for what’s actually in front of us, folks.
If you understood about the workings of the French Republic, you'd know that the government has no involvement in the electoral process, and would therefore be unable to do anything to stop it.
the fact you think that this is an effective deterrent means you don't understand the workings of fascists. i don't have enough characters to list the nations that had a separate election authority that didnt mean shit when a malevolent force was running the country
The checks and balances in the Fifth Republic were specifically put in place under the shadow of the Vichy regime and in the aftermath of WW2. They knew better than you do about the threats of extremism and how to counter it. They lived through it.
Or, go catastrophize about how all is going to hell and we might as well light the world up in fire. Whatever makes you feel better.
unfortunately having actually lived through one country going down the tubes like this while wise people like you scoffed at the possibility I'm rather keen to avoid doing that again so you do you and I'll do me, k
This is what working across the aisles looks like
I knew better but there is a large infestation of magaTs over here, and my first thought was..they love this down to their cold, hard nazi hearts.
The US Press has trouble wrapping its minds around politics involving more than two parties. Which is why you only ever hear about Tories and Labour.
Hell, it has trouble with politics involving only 2 parties.
Only one absolutely not dropping out to prevent FN are LR candidates but they've stopped doing years ago this under Sarkozy IRC
US rarely bothers to understand Europe. This bs happens every french election.
at least they don't have a dumb-as-shit two-party first-past-the-post system...
This could indeed be a game changer but please bear in mind that Macron’s centre is no centre but a racist and islamophobic right. They spend the whole campaign claiming the left is as dangerous as the far right RN, which was founded by former members of the Waffen SS and the terrorist OAS.
Nah. I've seen it in every major media report here, but it comes after the explanation of why they have 2 rounds of voting a week apart and the tactics that emerge from that.
Even the Guardian's got a sort of reluctant air when pointing this out, if they do at all.
Vive La France. Hope this sentiment is held up.
Will this be resolved when the next round craters NR pretty hard?
absolutely not, it'll be spun as a moral victory for fascism lol, have you seen who owns US media
That would require action from the Bernie dipshits