
The left went all the way to sacrifice candidates to keep the nazis out. The macronites much less so, macron in fact tried to ensure a Le Pen victory by keeping his candidates in, several dropped out against his wishes. "far left" wut, the no. 1 collaborator w the far right is the centre- right
The key here is that the far left decided they’d biggest enemy was the fascists, not the center-left. Hoping we can learn the same lesson here.
the people who are actually far left don't even believe in elections and are not having these conversations with you in the first place
There is this thing amongst so many people in the US who consider themselves normies where everyone left of Churchill is automatically considered Pol Pot. No buddy youre a full on right winger who thinks he's a centrist for some reason & that "radical" over there is what a normie looks like
A fun thing I discovered when I moved to the USA is that political ideologies don’t map. Example: I was a Canadian Conservative so assumed I’d map to Republicans. Uh, nope. Americans have the same problem; watch their faces when you tell them Brexit was hidden under fake concern for NHS funding.
Same here - mostly a PC supporter when I moved south and found the Democrats slightly right of me. Of course since Reform took over the Cons it’s a tad different now I’m back. Can’t assume between countries
Seriously. I know radical leftists and they stay out of the voting discussion completely -- sSome do vote for harm reduction given the American system they and their friends have to survive in, but they do not really discuss it publicly.
a radical leftist who voted and admitted it would lose so much face amongst their peers they might as well walk in there wearing a "tax the poors" T shirt
For real, it's the equivalent of a film student who really loves the Saw movies. Nothing actually inconsistent about it but you better do the thing in disguise.
If you want to see a leftist squirm ask when the last time they mailed their reps was.
This. Also people who claim to want to imitate/venerate Churchill need to look at his track record a /lot/ more closely. Not least: he switched parties twice, annoyed everyone and spent 10 years in the parliamentary dog-house before gaining support and becoming PM.
It's crazy to think that I already know who I'm going to vote for in every federal election of my life, just because I can assume the GOP is never going to field a candidate worth considering.
Centrist parties always play this card - look you *have* to vote for us, this is no time to support those crazy lefties, we have to stop the extreme right. Sometimes it works! It worked on me in a federal election once. But it's *always* 'leftists have to come to the centre' not 'we must go left'.
'Get closer to our position' is not actually compromise, is I guess what I am saying.
Macron’s party had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the alliance and even then made a lot of sus comments that make people worried about what side they’ll be on in government building. Wild to see American takes chastising the “left” in this!
we're past rewriting history. rewriting the observable present is in.
Ok, but you’re never going to get a ny times column if you criticize centrists (from the left anyway)
This is not quite right. Macron vacillated yes, but his PM Attal pushed out over 80 candidates & while the center was not as fully committed to stopping the RN as the left, most of it was.
Also, two years ago the only person left of Les Républicains who refused to call for his voters to back Macron to defeat Le Pen was Jean-Luc Mélenchon