Natália Zilio

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Natália Zilio

Freelance Artist/future animator | 31 | She/her | 🇧🇷 | PT-BR/EN | Contact: [email protected] or businness Discord (NatizildaBusiness#8337)
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Cansei dos crentes, reposte com seu melhor meme católico
Cansei dos crentes, reposte com seu melhor meme católico
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A friend pointed out a good problem they have with drawing pants on walking movement and I love drawing folds so I tried to do a little show and tell on pant folds. I love how visualized the problem! It’s such a common issue I sometimes still struggle with too!
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my biggest creative passion in life is ‘the project I’m not supposed to be working on right now’
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As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
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Honestly no idea where my life is heading but I guess ill just keep on making art
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Little bit of this guy, as a treat
no curso de animação eu falei com alguns adolescentes que passaram pelo novo ensino médio e cara, nem os alunos gostam desse negócio saca, não me conformo
só vi uns professores indignados falando sobre, todo mundo só ignorou
você deve ter falado algo sobre homem cis em algum momento (queria estar brincando)
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Examining your own behaviour and understanding what role you may be playing for others is uncomfortable and unrewarding. It doesn't mean you get to be part of a group of people affirming that you are all good people; it isolates you. But it is an antidote to "uwu smol bean"-ing yourself into abusing
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Also people who don't acknowledge when they have power over others. It's much easier to think "the bad person rubs their hands and calculates carefully how to succeed in their crimes" rather than "under the right circumstances I too could be the villain in a story like this if I don't self-examine".
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I think there are a lot of people who want "abuser" to be a specific category of calculating sociopath, because it absolves them of ever having to ask if their own uncalculated, instinctive behaviours are dangerous in the context of a power imbalance.
I've been feeling like none of my art is worth posting because it's not interesting enough and I don't know what to do
bot a minha avó virou pra mim no meio do filme e me perguntou se era uma história sobre o bem contra o mal
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sorry i asked if the photo of your kid was “that fucked up AI stuff”
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Da semana passada lá no catarse do ryotiras
nossa eu preciso me arrumar pra sair né eu to me sentindo tão patinho feio que tá difícil
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Drawing I made for Kaibette's lore doc. Experimental
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It's important to note that in France, yes, a fascist majority was prevented, but they still doubled their presence in parliament. The fascists didn't stay home. They went & voted. It's just that enough decent people showed up to beat them back to a significant degree (& make them cry). SHOW UP.
[WIP] Giant lady that enhances your armor
I just finished Ghost Trick and I absolutely love every single character in this game except for the guy scratching his leg with his bare feet yiked
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apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
I changed my sketching method so much on digital that I'll need to buy some charcoal to get back to sketching on paper now
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if you’re commissioning someone and they give you prices that are too low you can absolutely just say “no, i’m giving you more money than that” and you fucking should
POV: You've just priced your commissions at $50