Olena Shmahalo

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Olena Shmahalo


✦ 2D & 3D artist, designer, science viz
✦ Prev. The establishing Art Director of Quanta Magazine


✦ https://www.olenashmahalo.com
✦ https://Linktr.ee/NatureInTheory

📌 https://bsky.app/profile/natureintheory.bsky.social/post/3kbf7h6ndvo2b
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🎨 Hundreds of artists 🧪 Science-focused 🎟️ Curated list 💪 No NFTs or gen AI ✨Inspiration every day. ❤️ Subscribe to the Bluesky #SciArt Feed.
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It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
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#YallMasking 💖 😷 🧪 ⚕️ 🐡
#ArtVsArtist 2023 Grateful to be able to do work I enjoy while learning about inspiring subjects I love, with kind people around the world. Hope to do more of the same going forward. These are just a few of my 2023 projects — info in alt / www.olenashmahalo.com #SciArt #3D 🐡 🔭 🧪 ⚛️
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Those replacing human beings with AI are doing so because they've no respect/understanding of labor, commoditizing outputs without seeing that a job is both the acquisition of labor and the outsourcing of risk. You don't just hire humans- you trust them. wheresyoured.at/pop-culture/
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Hi #PortfolioDay / #HiSciSky ✨ I’m an artist & designer who enjoys creating scientifically-informed & fantastical visuals in 2D & 3D. Freelance. Prev. the establishing Art Director of the award-winning Quanta Magazine. ✦ olenashmahalo.comlinktr.ee/NatureInTheory #Art #SciArt #3D 🧪 ⚛️ 🔭 🐡
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Reposted byAvatar Olena Shmahalo
after years sucking in pollution and wildfire smoke I seem to have developed some light asthma and have been advised to wear a mask when the AQI is high, so I can’t express how thrilled I am that my governor killed congestion pricing and is going to make me get a doctors note to wear a mask
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Reposted byAvatar Olena Shmahalo
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
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"Much of human history can, I think, be described as a gradual and sometimes painful liberation from provincialism, the emerging awareness that there is more to the world than was generally believed by our ancestors" - Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (1979)
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We live in a "middle world" between the astronomically huge structures of the Universe: stars, galaxies, black holes, and the tiny, invisible world of cells, molecules and atoms. Stepping even a single step in either direction rightly brings a sense of awe at the vast SCALE of the natural world.
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Also, a special shout out to ESA for coupling images on their website with the alt-text field and the image credit, so really, all you have to do is copy + paste this when you use their images -- ensuring digital accessibility AND respecting content creators. More agencies need to do this.
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This is fascinating stuff. The TL;DR is that pH massively affects the longevity of viruses in the air and the CO2 we breathe out makes the air more cozy for viruses. Therefore, poor ventilation is bad both for keeping viruses in the air and significantly extending their lifespan in that air! 🧪🦠
A UK research team has discovered that the more CO2 air contains, the longer viruses can stay alive in that air. This is a tranmission double-whammy: poorly ventilated spaces with lots of people in them increases potential viral load and longevity. [statnews.com]
A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation doctrinewww.statnews.com CO2 is a good proxy for how much exhaled — and potentially infectious — air is in a room. New research suggests the more CO2 there is, the more virus-friendly the air becomes.
Thank you! I would like that also ☺️
I would love to see this artist's work on novels!
It's World Goth Day! Share some spooky art 🖤💀🦇 All 4 of these are 3D; both "witches" are interactive, real-time 3D you can explore on my site: www.olenashmahalo.com
It's World Goth Day! Share some spooky art 🖤💀🦇
Hi! ✨ I designed / modeled / painted a generation spaceship for a Symmetry Magazine article about an astrophysics course → www.olenashmahalo.com/project/yggd... 🧪 ⚛️ 🔭 🐡 #3D #3Dart #SciArt
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Artists & Creatives, there's a browser plugin to remove AI sites from your search results. (Good for getting real references.) Get the plugin here: iorate.github.io/ublacklist/d... Then add the AI blocklists here: iorate.github.io/ublacklist/s... 🔁 Please Boost 🔁
Introduction | uBlacklistiorate.github.io uBlacklist is a Google Search filter for Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
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A tip for artists joining art shares on BlueSky: reply directly to the original post and then repost your reply for better visibility. If you quote the art share, there are currently no links from the original post to the quotes and fewer people will see your art!
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#PaleoAgainstAI The amount of anatomical, environmental & artistic knowledge one has to gain to reconstruct past worlds is staggering. It's a responsibility to share the knowledge w/ the respect it deserves. And unlike AI, we put great efforts to not misinform the public. PS. see Alt #sciart #art
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Discworld QOTD, from Moving Pictures “Everything looks interesting until you do it. Then you find it’s just another job.”
Discworld QOTD, from Going Postal “Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show.”
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This week in Long Covid: ✓ Leaky blood-brain barrier ✓ Interferon-γ as a potential biomarker ✓ Persistent infections and >50%⬆️risk ✓ Vaccination protection in adults and kids >40% ✓ Our perspective published in Science All in the new Ground Truths erictopol.substack.com/p/towards-so...
TIP: ARTISTS LOOKING FOR WORK — Email Art Directors at their *work* emails. Esp. if you're not acquainted. People change jobs, etc. Nobody is expected to keep track of every AD. But you'll have a better chance of getting work if you check company websites for info & send to the right places.
Trying on the Champak PC520M thanks to @rjogani.bsky.social 🖤 I think this is my new favorite mask! It fits as well as or maybe even better than 3M Aura, which is basically the only one that fits my small head. And so breathable! Aura lovers YSK about Champak. #masks ⚕️
Balancing the last post with a happier one, a lot of plants I saved from brink of death & kept in a terrarium for a few years grew so much, it's a jungly mess. I finally took cuttings to repot. Aglaonema pictum in particular came back from the dead like 7x in as many yrs 😳 this plant is incredible
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What’s your top 4 fav illustrations from this year? — Hard to choose. I like these 4 for different reasons. But in common: I had a great time working on them, accomplished something new & different in each, & am grateful to be able to do this. Info in ALT.
What’s your top 4 fave illustrations from this year I’m grateful for the work. It was a delight and honor ✨
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I realized I forgot to post this comic here because I generally have a very nice time here lmaooo anyway here you go, it’s about Internet Boundaries (1/2)
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Fidimplicitary [FID-ihm-PLIS-ih-tay-ree] (adj.) -Pertaining to one who easily places their trust in the views and opinions of someone else “From what I gather, our new boss is positively fidimplicitary when it comes to that mad scientist billionaire.” Buy/Review my new book: bit.ly/GWOTDbook