
Not that anyone particularly cares about original meaning, but think folks should still say it out loud: For all of the things that are unclear in the founding documents and unknowabilities of what the Founders intended, "the President can kill anyone or commit a coup" was *never* legally arguable
Yea, a lotta problems with the Constitution that’d be nice to fix, but this isn’t one of them. This is a problem with the court, and can only be fixed by fixing the court.
There could have been an article that read “The President is subject to all the laws passed by Congress, even for his Official Acts, regardless of what future people named Roberts might think”, and this court would’ve reached the same conclusion
In fact, this case has me down on Constitutional Amendments as a manner of constraining this court. They won’t be constrained. They must be neutralized
14AS3 is straightforward enough about what to do right now in 2024, and the Court decided 9-0 that "jokes on you, we can't read"
the text sure has its problems, but for current purposes, the problem is not a lack of text, or going to be solved by adding more.
Someone already pointed out today that SCOTUS will probably declare there's no enforcement provision for preventing a President from being elected to a third term.
That was my main complaint about the 14A ruling!
Technically, the enforcement mechanism is the Electors, but why would they choose Electors that aren't 100% on board with a third term?
Also, many of those electors will be bound by state law to vote for a specific candidate
Yeah, we've hit the "rip the fucking thing out and start over" stage and I genuinely think we got shoved in that direction today. Unfortunately, that usually entails a lot of guns and bloodshed.
There’s still an election. If Trump wins the election, then you’re probably right. If Biden wins, it’s not too late to put the genie back in the bottle
This radical SCOTUS will almost certainly be helping a GOP Congress throw out a Biden victory. I hadn't assumed that would be the case until today. Now that has to be the operating parameter. If Biden wins, odds are excellent we hit Jan 20 with no final decision and then states take sides.
They already did basically that with the Trump 14th Amendment case. They didn’t say “well what he did doesn’t qualify as insurrection”, they straight up nullified the plain text.