
I like that they say "30 of the best", not "the 30 best". So it's a list of really good books, without any pretension to establishing a hierarchy, and thus much more useful.
Here here! Making sports of art is lame!
... with the accustomed "Tolkein", that famous writer who appears every now and then in articles. He even has a society in his honor:
The Tolkein Society
Don't let me get started on the Large Hardon Collider.
It also features Hollywood actor Brendon Fraser, cruelly overshadowed by his more famous relative Brendan Fraser.
YES the Tolkein Society!
I love nerdy literary jokes so much
You might have missed the joke here that is the misspelling ("Tolkein" instead of the correct Tolkien).
Aieee! Yes, I did. I'm blaming old eyes. Either that or I have some sort of built-in autocorrect. Okay. Let's go with that one. :)
These things happen to the best of us!
Leaving off Earthsea is mind boggling. Having reread those at different stages of life, you come realize just how brilliant and profound that series is. Curious as to opinions on Gene Wolfe? I found him everywhere from brilliant, wildly entertaining to confusing, frustrating and terribly boring.
I've never found him boring, and assume that if I think a story by Gene is confusing or frustrating then I'm not trying hard enough.
I've never not reread a Gene Wolfe story. His work requires some concentration, but is worth it.
I hate to disagree but I find his books to be 95% padding. Words words and more words. DNF. I hurled them into the bin.
All those words. And more words. Out of interest, why did you keep buying them if you were just throwing them away? Or did you buy lots at once and then learn about the words thing? And have you ever thought about giving books you don't like away instead of binning them?
Wolfe is probably one of my three or four favorite writers ever. His work is a secret palace, filled with treasure, laden with booby-traps. So much do I love him, I obtained this when it first came out. (Also signed by your good self, sir!)
Hearing anyone binning a book makes my heart hurt.
...I'm having a hard time figuring out how anyone who reads, anything, would have a problem with ::checks notes::...words.
now I may be incorrect on this, but aren't books meant to be made of words and words and words? or am I an anomaly who just loves lushly written language?
I had to throw away my dictionary, hardly any of the words were relevant to what I wanted.
If only there was a place where words could be stored and people could look at them to see if they liked a particular organisation of words.
I am confused how a book would ever get into the garbage. If it really isn’t worth your keeping, donate. Libraries. Sell it if so inclined. Me, I keep it to discover later when I have different thoughts. Here’s my favorite mathom.
I always donate books I don't want to the library in my building.
Enjoying fiction is to swim in a sea of words. I trust an author to use the right amount to see us through the journey. Sparse or languid. Terse or verbose. Words are a joy when an author embraces their style. If you don't like words, maybe explore the world of mime?
It’s like complaining stained glass is hard to see through. What are the colors of the words? What shape do they make? It’s not filler, its the substance of it
Wolfe makes me feel like I should have done more of the required reading, but I try to keep up. I do try! Nobody has ever written like him before or after, a tricky feat. Like Philip K Dick, I worry I might read too deeply and wake up somewhere else.
I bought the trilogy after reading a couple of positive reviews. Good SF for me is Iain Banks. I can't give books away here because I live in a Spanish-speaking country.
Anyone who hates Gene Wolfe I block on general principle. I reread Shadow of the Torturer every few years just to remind myself there are some things too perfect for this world.
why do people throw books they don't like i don't understand if I were a book tossed across the room I'd scurry under the bed and go feral. Or crawl out of the bin and hide in the closet, rabid with pointy words wanting revenge
I'm never going to finish it, I dislike it, so I'm not going to waste space on it. And there is no one within 150 miles who would be interested in it. And it would cost me more to post it than anyone would pay for it on eBay. At which point it gets recycled.
"The covers of this book are too far apart" is a critique one could make of many authors. I have on occasion abandoned a book in the middle because too much nothing had happened.
yes, reading the words in a book is indeed the difficult part
I bounced when I was 20 or so but I always assumed that was a failing on my part, not on his.
Eragon but nothing from Robin McKinley? No Judith Tarr? No Gene Wolfe? No Glen Cook? Barry Hughart inexplicably left off this list?
I was a massive fan of Gene Wolfe back in the day. Started with the first two volumes of the Book of the New Sun and worked my way out from there. I really should reread them, must be nearly 40 years at this point.
I loved “New Sun”, “Long Sun” and “Short Sun” when I read them a couple years back. But they required some serious effort. Also knew I would *have to* reread them some time. But I am hesitant…life’s just too busy.
Gene was one of the greats. Every story of his requires the reader to actually think and reflect.