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As SARS-COV-2 is still rapidly mutating, causing mass illness, disability and death, and is international, we are still in an active pandemic. Seek out fresh or filtered air, and wear a respirator (mask) in public areas especially public transport.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
This one feels like a punch in the chest: Vinay Krishnan on the bird app.
There's someone on my community Facebook group asking if the internet is down. On Facebook. And getting "it's ok in my street" comments. I wonder if she's still worried that the internet is down.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
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"Will you free my Palestine" Sticker spotted in Brunswick, Victoria
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When an anglo Australian youth or adult male commits a crime in Australia no one claims they speak/reflect or represent all other anglo males. When a #Sudanese Australian commits a crime they miraculously represent everyone from their community. That’s degrading ugly racism.
"People with healthy self-esteem do not need to create pretend identities." bell hooks. Her given name was Gloria Jean Watkins. Her pen name was in honor of her great-grandmother, and written in lower case as a reminder to keep the focus on the "substance of books, not who I am" Naomi Klein.
Half a century as my mother's daughter, and I've only just worked out that "I might go shopping" means " you want to come with me/can you drive me", and "I might do x" means "... can you give me a hand?" Because she never directly asks for help.
Reading Sigrid Nunez's The Vulnerables, and saw this: "...In almost every long book I read I see a short one shirking its job" This is why I try reading fantasy but can't stick to it. Terry Pratchett and Travis Baldree play with fantasy in short novels. It has to be special to go over 500 pages.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
Hamataliwa grisea, she of the booty floof skirt (and a very expressive face) 🥹 #FloofLump 🌿🕷️
Ten writers of whom I've read more than 5 books Terry Pratchett Jane Austen Garry Disher Isaac Asimov David Malouf Jane Harper Nick Earls Venero Armanno Melissa Lucashenko Chris Hammer
Ten writers of whom I've read more than five books: Stephen King Terry Pratchett Joe Lansdale Caitlin R. Kiernan Neil Gaiman Greg Gifune Ray Bradbury Steven Erikson Brandon Sanderson Brian Keene
I live in a small community. We have three cafés. After a bad storm on the weekend, one of them has announced on Facebook that they suffered insurmountable damage and would close permanently. Many people have offered to help, including the owner of one of the other cafés. It's a good community.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
22,000 are dead. 1.9 million are displaced. 1.2 million are starving. There is no circumstance of history, no tenet of faith, no moment of resistance to occupation that excuses Israel’s siege on Palestine. By any definition this is genocide. Don’t stop talking about Palestine.
My brother just observed that the quiz show he wanted to see had been replaced by sport, but he changed channels and the host was in the Royal Variety show, "which makes sense because he can't be in two places at once". We've had these conversations for 50 years and I still don't know...
I had to build a pillow fort for the cat, because of a brewing storm. She's not so stressed. No pictures, because she's in the fort and completely covered.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
Children in Gaza are dying from shock caused by the pain of their injuries, because there is no anesthesia and no pain killers. Now read that again … and again … and again … If the world is serious in stopping this genocide, at this point they need to boycott America until this stops !
Bluesky identifies possible scam accounts! If Facebook did this I'd be more likely to stay there.
Starter Villain by John Scalzi explains why villains have cats, and that's the best thing I've read this month.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
reminder this holiday season but in general to never “round up for charity”or donate via stores because the company uses it to write off THEIR taxes for free money. so donate direct to reputable places, keep a receipt, then take it off your taxes. do good and fuck capitalism
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
Genocide is profitable and warmongering corporations, their shareholders & government politicians in their pockets all benefit from warfare (see the dates). War profiteering is a thing. US is the leading global arms leader. The military-fossil-industrial complex needs to be dismantled for justice.
Totally true. And for "NZ", you can also read "Queensland". My life was slightly inconvenienced. I missed a few breakfast dates with friends. So what. Queensland had 7 dead up to December 2021 when the borders opened. We have had over 3,000 dead since then, unnoticed and unrecognised.
Nobody found the pandemic a fun time, and for NZ the people whose lives were most impeded were international travellers, while those who lost the least were the frail and at risk given elsewhere. But attempts by people to rewrite history to justify their feelings are going to be pushed back against.
I've been reading a lot of pre-Covid pandemic fiction, and I think that the problem is that no-one is suddenly coughing up blood into their lunch, or having their skin peel off, or turning into zombies. We're dying, unacknowledged, in private. That's not dramatic enough to be called a pandemic.
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
A group of Palestinians from Gaza have circulated these demands, calling people everywhere to take action. Please share if you can 🇵🇸
Overnight, Missy caught a rat and ate most of it. It wasn't finding the remains by treading on them that was the most disturbing thing (I was wearing shoes), it was the knowledge that she was locked inside at the time. (Profile picture chosen because of the similarly with Missy. Yes, she's the cat.)
A book review site had about 50 content warnings for the book I was reading. Most of them were so petty. e.g. the "death of pet" content warning was for a passing reference to "my old cat Flossy was 21 when she died" If you need a content warning for that, why are you even reading fiction?
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
Same playbook, new acronyms. I wonder if the mainstream press will fall for it again?
Reposted byAvatar Nelle
vote, you little shits. vote because - your landlord will vote - your boss will vote - every nasty little greedy bitcoin bro who thinks women should be assigned to men for sex will vote - anti abortionists will vote - evangelist christians will vote - your racist uncle will vote FUCKING VOTE
Australian women. Don't neglect this.
Sorry. It has actually changed. Breastscreen actively invites women aged 50—74 to have a free two yearly mammogram. Women aged 40—49 and those aged over 74 are also eligible to receive a free mammogram but do not receive an invitation.
To find my community on this site, I've just followed a bunch of people simply because they expressed their shock and sadness at the death of Cal Wilson. To be honest, it's probably avoidance behaviour. Cal Wilson was kind, clever and funny and I didn't want to know she'd died.
End of feed.