Ammonium Azide

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Ammonium Azide

Official bluesky account for the toxic and explosive (but insensitive) salt formed by combining Ammonia and Hydrazoic Acid.

Posts by Josh, he/him 🏳️‍🌈
They like garbage industries because they're a low capital investment, Stuff is expensive but paying a few programmers to hash together some useless garbage and throw a slick UI on it then claim it'll change the world is cheap and looks better on paper
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
we're living through a generational, life-changing technological revolution and it's getting almost zero attention compared to AI spambots
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
If you want everyone to hate your online enemies as much you do, make sure you add alt text so your screenshots of their posts are more accessible for folks.
Your nudes get people wetter and harder with alt text by the way. Not even kidding.
I haven't been really following the news the last day and then I saw the TV in the hotel lobby and it said "Biden apologizes for 'Bullseye' comment"
So having pushed Bouie off the platform y'all are going for Popehat now?
Texans love gold wireframe glasses and I gotta hand it to them they look great
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
I think all of these defectors are inadvertently proving that Biden isn't the man for the job right now not because of what they are saying but because they are saying it at all seemingly without consequence. If Biden had the juice he'd have these rats riding the boat like McNulty by the convention
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
Now more than ever Joe Biden needs to drop out. He was losing before, has shown no capacity to run the campaign he needs to to recover that deficit, took a hit in the debate, is opposed by many members of his own party, and Trump got a boost yesterday.
It's true that this on its own wouldn't win an election in a normal year. But it's not on its own and Biden has demonstrated he has no ability to put points on the board.
Why is the media talking about Donald Trump being shot and not his 34 felony convictions
In case you're wondering why 538 has the election at 50/50 despite being 2 points behind nationally and 4 in the key states, the reason is that they are claiming that we should on average expect a four-point improvement in Biden's margin between today and the election.
The problem isn't just that Joe Biden is losing today—though he is—it's that he's more or less demonstrated that he doesn't have what it would take to make up that deficit.
I've seen the Biden optimists on BlueSky saying he would pull ahead as people started to pay attention and Trump was held up in court and found guilty of various crimes. That has not happened.
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
If you want people not to believe in god, tell them he chose Charlie Windsor as his viceroy
When you look at the countries that are least religious it actually tends to be the ones with a state religion
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
Look. You can either yell at the NYT for its coverage in an attempt to improve it OR you can try to harangue its best reporters into quitting but if you're doing both you're not acting strategically
I think Bouie is an essential voice in our national conversation which is why I'm thrilled to see him at the New York Times
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
I know everyone is in a rough spot, but I am once more looking for a job: * science writing/journalism (for preference) or editing * other writing/editing * other science jobs (though I'm not a bench scientist, fwiw)
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
The little coconut that could.
It will be very funny if this counter never gets higher than six and they just have to leave it up there
Governors should be at 2, right?
Reposted byAvatar Ammonium Azide
A lot of things get compared to Veep, but this is truly Veep material.