
My favorite line about war applies here: "The aggressor is always peace-loving... he would prefer to take over our country unopposed." No man, if you're trying a revolution against the Constitution of the United States, pro-Constitution Americans aren't going to simply get out of your way. Hard no.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Since this fascist "Second American Revolution" and "Red Caesar" crowd is already quite open about their intention to use state violence against political opponents and scapegoated minorities, there's even less reason to back down before their threats to be violent if they're not empowered to do it.
As someone else also pointed, they would spill blood of the opposition even after taking over peacefully.
Fighting them is now clearly self-defense, and we are the most armed country on the planet
As someone else also pointed, they would spill blood of the opposition even after taking over peacefully.
Good point. Dark, yes. But I don't think it's wrong.
The idealogical ancestors of these seditious goons underestimated their opponents in 1861 as well.
The gravy seals are really underestimating their willingness to suffer. We are, overall, so wealthy that we are truly far from a critical mass of people that want a war. Maniacs absolutely would use it to take power.
They are also underestimating the firepower potential of their ideological opposites. You can go so far left guns are encouraged again.
Guns also just aren’t hard to get, especially after things break down a little bit and laws start sounding more like suggestions. If there was a real armed civil conflict of any scale in America even currently anti gun people could have one put in their hands pretty quick if they wanted to help.
I haven't needed to own a gun in all my 70 years, but I do know how to use one. If I were still living in the US, I'd have a firearm by now - simply because of all the violent bigots out there.
Yeah, they're not gonna take any risks it's how it sounds to my ears. And folks with the temerity to oppose them are a risk.
Absolutely. Like your car salesman, dealership owner is going to risk it all for “freedom”… the most blatant trumpers are upper middle class, or higher, with boats and beach houses.
Considering the only risk they've taken thus far is contributing boatloads of cash to the GOPers it seems unlikely they aren't fully on board with this change in society. Would they have taken up arms to assure their project succeeded? If that's your point, then we agree.
The ones profiting from this (and that includes munitions moguls) don't HAVE to take up arms. They have a large gang of brainwashed, violent suckers. The ones selling weapons always win; they don't care about the body count as long as it's not them, personally.
Yeah I've seen enough movies and TV to know that "come quietly and no one gets hurt" is almost always a lie. A person willing to use force to get their way is, at their core, a person willing to use force once they have their way.
They've spent decades harping about needing certain amendments in case they have to go against a government gone bad but now they've flipped sides 🤔
Not exactly. Their position is consistent: "my feelings supersede the law (but yours don't), so I (but not you) am allowed to shoot people if I (again, not you) decide that it's called for."
There’s a transitional risk here: they are assuming liberals won’t use the privileges they want for themselves. Until they make sure they can’t it’s a bit of a gamble.
To be clear: I think it’s a “smart” gamble, and they are probably right. But it could backfire.
I will keep posting the W'pedia link for Project 2025. Steven Miller, a strong support of white nationalistic movements (on the SPLC watch list) is a mover behind Project 2025. Project 2025 is, IMHO, is the GOP Mein Kampf (bold and underscored).
Project 2025 -
Ehm, what did the pro-constitution Americans did till now? The last years or even decades?
Serious question: Will they not? And at what point? As the right leverages the courts to legalize their "revolution," at what point does a critical mass of the opposition embrace the necessarily non-legal means of stopping them?
But will you still celebrate their Christmas this year?
Kevin Roberts definitely qualifies as a domestic terrorist.
Thanks for correcting me. For me he qualifies as the enemy of democracy.
I think it's stochastic terrorism. He's making threats to induce fear and achieve a political goal.
They are and they did. The presidents response to such was "hope I don't lose the election". What red line do you believe there is
I love the idea of a country run like a hostage situation.