
Am I the only one who doesn’t laugh at this image? The handcuffs will slip right off his hands because of “the way he is built”. Is that visual metaphor on purpose? 😳 Or am I reading too much into the image?
It’s more of a warning than a joke.
Masterful illustration. Like the best satire, it’s a joke *and* a warning 😬
I think most people are missing that it’s a warning
I hadn’t thought of it except as a joke, but now I think it could be a subtle warning, or a premonition, by the artist
I think you have the right of it, sadly.
I think it’s both. Accurate based on what has happened up to now
My point is that I’ve only seen people laughing at the image. It’s not funny.
Agree. Nothing about this is funny
I love John Cuneo’s drawings but I thought it should’ve had very tiny handcuffs. Just my opinion of course but it would show his punishment is tailored to him.
That would have had a different message…and I’d have enjoyed a good laugh.
I assumed they did that so they could run the same cover either way. Oh, look! He's getting handcuffed or Oh, look! He slipped away with his little hands
His small hands have been a joke ever since the 2016 debate where he talked about his hands vs his penis size on national television. Now, everyone makes "small hands" jokes to insinuate he has a small penis. The fact that the law will most likely not apply to him, is secondary to his micro penis.
Most know the hand joke…including me. I am aware and I’m commenting on this cover with that knowledge.
Oh! I thought you were asking if it was meant to be a "the rich slip through the judicial system" or just a dick joke. Gotcha! and wait, you're the Binti author?? I really liked it but now that I'm thinking about it, I think I never finished it! #WellShit
I think the set of his mouth clearly indicates that he knows our mortal justice won’t restrain him.
Agree. It's a warning, he'll escape justice, and on the next level that he'll escape because peope are fooled into thinking it's not serious
Back in the 80s, some NYC based satirical magazine made a joke about Trump having little hands. Trump has never let it go, including sending the editors pictures with Trumps hands being circled.
I know his hands have been a joke for a while. Let’s talk to Nnedi like she knows basic stuff. 👍🏾
I'm amazed how people don't understand that it's not that you don't get the joke, it's that you don't think it's funny. I can't help but think the misunderstanding is purposeful in some way, because your original statement was in no way unclear...
Spy Magazine - I think I remember the key phrase being "tiny-fingered vulgarian."
Yeah, it was Spy Magazine. I just missed the starting post's intent.