N Babble

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N Babble


Rretired middle school librarian, Texas Democrat, secular, interested in learning things, she/her
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The Department of History of the University of Notre Dame invites applications for a tenure-track position in African American history since 1865 at the rank of assistant professor. All subspecialties are encouraged to apply. apply.interfolio.com/149560
Apply - Interfolio {{$ctrl.$state.data.pageTitle}} - Apply - Interfolio apply.interfolio.com
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Just got a phone call from the school. My son has been given a place on further maths GCSE. Whoop whoop!
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Democrats: "Our candidate has to be perfect in every way. An eloquent statesman of pure articulate genius. A blameless, faultless, sinless, spotless paragon of absolute virtue. An angel. A saint." Republicans: "We literally don't care if our candidate is a convicted criminal."
When you see a big promotion announcement that makes you want to scream in anger - then remember you’re retired and it will not affect you in any way!
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The last two from my foster litter of seven. Can’t believe they’ve not gotten any interest!!
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Maybe it's time that the @nytimes.com should step aside for a younger, fitter, more coherent newspaper.
Forever stuck at level 38 on PokémonGo because I used my work email and never worked out how to change it. District closed my email account this week. R.I.P. LHLibrarian
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I think a thing that's poorly understood about American history is that a lot of the progress made through the New Deal was driven by the political elite's fear of the Russian Revolution happening here and not by them having a sudden turn of heart after being visited by multiple ghosts or something.
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
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Cracked an egg straight into the trash can today and put the shell in the bowl. Looking like it’s gonna be a banger of a day!
At least twenty chores need to be done but I’m really enjoying life on my little back porch right now.
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
(Sigh) eldest got fired from his month long promotion. Wish he could figure out what he keeps doing wrong!
College kid came home today. She’s a known Cat Whisperer” cleaned up the Kitten room and this great pic of Edgar Allen Poe!
I’ve committed to opening every drawer, door, and box in the house over the next year. So much of the things I have were related to my job from which I am now retired. My kids are all adults now so I can stop saving things. Let the down sizing begin!!
Week two of retirement was much better than week one. Weather settled and electricity stayed on!
Watching a show about the Louvre in Paris and now I want to go see it!
Overslept a bit this morning. Not Penny’s fault she tried to get me up at our usual 7 but I didn’t. I was mugged when I opened the door to feed the kittens! They were ready for me, ran into the hall, climbed my leg, frantic for food. If a dog could laugh, Penny would have been rolling!
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Soooooo the fact that my research and teaching (cited in a couple of footnotes, thanks Google Alerts) was used to help write this means a whole awful lot to me. God willing this paper could have a major impact. review.law.stanford.edu/wp-content/u...
Well my first week of retirement was not that great with wind damage, flooding, and no electricity. Hope it gets better! 😉
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New comic: How to tell a Carpenter Bee from a Bumble Bee. Thanks watchingbees.com for the help! Support me on Patreon for more content: www.patreon.com/birdandmoon
Soooo my mother (84) has decided to leave Texas- New Mexico is being considered as well as Arizona. “What if” convos have become “When I” convos. I’m not completely sold on NM or AZ. Any other states you’d recc for elderly liberals?
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it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
Does DJT ever stop asking for money?!?! Just go away!
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There are these great topiaries on 33rd near Victoria in Vancouver. Last night I finally stopped to get a good picture of them. The owner of the house was outside: please make sure to zoom in on the first photo to see HOW PLEASED he looks that I’m appreciating his work. :)
Got the call - urgent kitten foster needed now! My pitbull LOVES kittens & knows the rescue lady. So excited when she pulled up w/ a crate of kittens & momma. Mama Cat went ballistic - tried to shred poor pupper through the cage! Penny’s feelings got hurt. Give it time, Penny always wins them over!
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To kidlit ILLUSTRATORS seeking representation: Reply with one (1) post that includes 1 image (I advise your name be in image somewhere) + link to your portfolio and/or Instagram URL. Makes sure it's easy to find your contact info, if agents are interested! cont'd 👇🏼
My sweet kids double FaceTimed to congratulate me on my last day. They wanted to Buy me lunch. I am so tired though - I put them off until Sunday. Not sure of the plan as no one is actually in the same city at the moment 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ve officially retired- last day is done!