
the modern sandwich should be built around average human jaw comfort. folks we all love the huge cartoon sandwich but they need to start designing these things so i could actually chow down on it without having to crush it with my hands as toppings slip out the sides
We just need to evolve to unhinge our jaws. Like snakes. I suppose there is always plastic surgery.
Totally agree. I love like a pubhouse burger but let's make them a bit wider and thinner instead of super thick with the circumference of a 50 cent coin. I ordered a patty not a meatball.
No joke, it's when the sliders are 1" diameter and 6" high...... When your food requires scaffolding for structural integrity you need to reconsider.
Yeah its not a sandwich if I *have* to use fork and knife
This is why burritos are the superior sandwich. Although some of them are ridiculous in diameter, you at least mitigate the risk of fillings slipping out.
A burrito is in many ways a ravioli or dumpling of some sort
Interesting thought. I'd say that dumplings are more like pies or tarts, in that the pastry is cooked after the filling. Burritos are assembled from cooked tortillas and fillings, so it's akin to sandwiches, more than anything.
Exactly what I was going to say. You are clearly someone who has expertise in sandwiches and sandwich-likes. 👍
Counterpoint: no they don’t, the fact that man’s reach exceeds his grasp is one of our few endearing qualities.
whose reach??? i would like to enjoy the sandwich without looking like some kind of cartoon dickhead
My rating of sandwich-type food is entirely around whether or not it's too fuckin' tall to work with, and I have like a near-detachable lower jaw like I'm almost a snake. if I have to cut a sandwich up with a knife, I'm not getting that ever again.
My daughter had that experience with a fried chicken sandwich last night. By the end the buns were mashed paper thin and everything was trying to escape
disastrous. it doesnt have to be like this. we have the technology
I know a guy who owns a fantastic sandwich place in SF—Deli Board—and he has this whole speech about designing sandwiches starting with the architectural support of the bread
I like pita breads for this. has built-in limit of how "tall" the sandwich can be, and it's a pocket so stuff won't fall out. even if the bread tears, only a little will fall out.
Respectfully, skill issue.
hey everybody we got a snake over here just unhinging their jaw to swallow a ridiculous sandwich whole
Yes, ample, certainly, but constructed to the scale of the human jaw.
Sliders are the solution! Make several, smaller sandwiches!
the problem is height, which many slider-makers do not make proportional to their smaller sandwich
Preach it. All part of the food industries habit of designing food to be looked at over eaten.
me talking to the subway sandwich artist abt why i’m gonna panini press my already toasted sub, yea with cucumbers
Cuban sammiches are good; grilly chee are good -- basically anything with a little weight on it. I've also been known to make a classic cold sammich & put some plates on it in the fridge for an hour or so to let things compress & all the ingredients "get to know each other" if you know what I mean.
I guess the real question is "fellas what's stopping you from looking like this?"
Make burgers wider not taller