
An easy way to support your public library is to make use of it—even if only to visit. We keep (anonymized) statistics not only on circulation totals but on attendance & visits and even on patron-staff interactions. Big numbers please trustees and municipal/county administrators. 📚
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
And, I would add, if you haven’t been in a while, check out everything that is happening there because your definition of what a library is and does may be very out of date if you haven’t been in years. You might find yourself wanting to come back more often.
Every year or so on the old site another rich whjte dude would post “Libraries are obsolete b/c no one reads physical books any more. To stay relevant they should offer these other services”, and then they’d list a bunch of things libraries have been doing for decades.
It’s amazing how many people still think libraries are dusty buildings with a cranky old lady going SHHHHHHH
Yes, and many people don’t know how easy it is to watch movies, read ebooks & listen to audiobooks with a library card and the Hoopla, Kanopy and Libby apps.
And learn a language with Mango
My local library is amazing, and I go there every single weekday over my lunch hour. I’m very grateful for it!
Do Libby check outs count? Or rather, does me continuously renewing the same book (as the only person interested in it, apparently) help boost those numbers?
Yes! We keep track of electronic circs too.
Awesome! That's what I assumed, but it's nice to have confirmation. Thanks for the work you do.
I thought I was the only one who renewed the book over and over. I think the book is mine now. 😁
Absolutely Libby checkouts count.
Does it count if I only check out and consume vast amounts of electronic media but never set foot in the building?
I started using my library more recently when I realised the deadlines they impose make me read more. BIG fan!
Currently have 9 books checked out and one ebook on my phone and a bunch more on hold. I love the Prince George’s County system. Would support a doubling of their budget without hesitation (including taxes).
also: even if you don't check something out, if you take a book off the shelf and put in a reshelve box/cart it gets counted in circulation statistics.
I’m there on average almost twice a week.
Libraries were my savior when I did case management in multiple towns. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t my town, everyone is welcome. Always a place to work on my laptop and to charge that and my phone. Nice staff, comfortable chairs and a/c. And the number of programs that they offer is amazing.