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Reposted byAvatar Matt
The largely silent ad, which will reportedly air in battleground states across the country, features a sequence of headshots depicting politicians, former Trump White House officials, journalists, and seemingly random average Americans with big red X’s over their faces.
New Trump Ad Shows Montage Of People He’ll Kill If PHOENIX—Following this week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity against criminal prosecution for official acts, Donald Trump’s campaign released an ad Wednesday that con...
Reposted byAvatar Matt
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
When people ask 'who can I vote for?', just say 'dot co dot uk'. Then if they're puzzled, repeat :) After that, if they say 'Where Do I Vote?' you can show them Equally pleasing. Two fab services from Democracy Club.
Democracy We build digital tools to support everyone’s participation in UK democracy.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
continue to think that white columnists are missing a big and fucking important part of the story of this election (and continue to be uncomfortable commenting about it because black and brown people are doing it better)
“Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards. The host of this year's BET Awards warned viewers on multiple occasions about the far-right plan to dismantle and remake the government in Trump's image.”
Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET The draconian plan supported by conservative groups to dismantle the government if Donald Trump is elected was the talk of the Black Entertainment Television Awards.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Morning, Bluesky. Two days and a wake-up until the start of much-needed change in the UK. As there’s some confusion, here’s a tactical voting guide from The Progressive Alliance. Everywhere not mentioned, it’s safe to vote Labour.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Some scenes from the lovely memorial for Howard Waldrop here in Austin Saturday afternoon
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Good evening from 6.30 in the garden
Good morning from 6:30 in the garden.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
If you haven't been following what's happening in the UK, the Good Law Project has announced that they've been in contact with multiple whistleblowers from the NHS GIDs and have learned of sixteen young people who have died since the initial Bell ruling in 2020, after which blockers were paused.
Reposted byAvatar Matt
So the UK govt is currently banning access to puberty blockers even via private clinics. The ban comes in 3 June and then - weirdly - ends 2nd Sept. So stock up URGENTLY - Maugham recommends getting a shot to carry you over the line. Twitter thread:
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Trying to do a bit of drawing - copy from one of Dorés illustrations for The Inferno
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Reposted byAvatar Matt
An alert for fanfic writers: Fanfic works are being stolen from AO3 and possibly elsewhere by someone who is publishing and selling them on Amazon as ebooks. The link below includes instructions on how to file an infringement claim
Fanfiction Authors: HEADS (Non-authors, please RB to signal boost to your author friends!) An astute reader informed me this morning that one of my fics (Children of the Future Age) had been pirated and was being sold as a n�...
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Dr. David L. Mills, who invented and for many years coordinated the Network Time Protocol, died January 17th. NTP is what makes it possible for computers all over the world, and in space, to stay more or less in synch.
Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age Dave Mills created NTP, the protocol that holds the temporal Internet together, in 1985.
Kinder Downfall in the Peak District
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Reposted byAvatar Matt
Legendary 2000AD artist Ian Gibson passed away earlier this week. He didn't die a wealthy man, and his son is raising funds to provide something more than a basic send-off. If you remember his artwork fondly, as I do, here is the link to contribute if you can:
Ian Gibson - Comic Art Legend, organized by Luke Jon My father Ian Gibson passed away as of the 11th of December 2023, losing his battle wit… Luke Jon Gibson needs your support for Ian Gibson - Comic Art Legend
Reposted byAvatar Matt
I have 110 confirmed Substack publications signed on for a collective action happening Thursday to demand answers from leadership as to why they’re platforming/monetizing Nazis. If you’re a fellow Substacker and want to participate, email me ASAP: [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Matt
There are so many!
Reposted byAvatar Matt
this is a bloody great name for a climate report
Reposted byAvatar Matt
The British Library's website is still down - but all of the Fantasy exhibition events are going ahead, including this one. Tickets for attending the event in London are available at the library - and online streaming tickets should be available soon, once the BL's site is up again. 🙏 Please share.
End of feed.