Greg from Ohio

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Greg from Ohio

I value reason & compassion/ life is learning & love: pro-democracy, pro-choice, equal rights, clean air, save the planet
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I'm so old I remember when the press went after Hillary for being "too prepared," Obama for being "too cool" and Al Gore for being "too smart"
I dunno, maybe I wasn’t sick. I’m back to normal already today. I’m still going to stay out of public spaces for a while though, just in case.
I think I have covid, but my symptoms are changing daily. I hope I can breathe/sleep tonight.
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Trump has said he’ll act as a dictator on “day one.” SCOTUS just gave him the power to do so.
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Not one more minute of defensiveness from the Biden campaign, please. Not one more question answered about age or debates. All day, every day, a referendum on Trump's criminality and assault on the constitutional order, on what he would be like with blank check for his lawlessness.
The US is no longer a democracy. Today was our Enabling Act.
My reaction is that truth matters more than a sore throat.
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Reminder: Fascism rose partly as a result of the 1918 pandemic. Do not stay silent about the attempts to ban masks and protests.
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One thing that anti-woke “comedy” is good for is exposing differentiators between normal decent people, for whom freedom is simply the right to exist without being dehumanized and bullied, and conservatives, for whom freedom is mostly the right to dehumanize and bully others.
I used to have a lot to say online. I’m not sure if I’ve lost some creativity, or if it just feels like there’s always someone else who’s saying the same thing just as well as I might.
If ever there was an opportunity for a new search engine to challenge Google, now is the time.
It really sucks how you can't search for anything anymore. Every website ditched their search features for a random unrelated suggestions feature. I don't just mean Google and YouTube. I can't find events on Eventbrite that I know exist. I can't find yesterday's weather on any weather forecast site.
Finally feeling productive again. So many tasks have been piling up. Checked a few off my list tonight.
Damn. House fire just up the road from me. Luckily, they are about a block away from the fire department so they got there super quick, but I can see fire damage on the top floor from outside. Our lives are perilous, and I am grateful for what I have.
I was napping when the verdict came down. I was busy working today and didn’t even know it was happening. Such a nice surprise!
Nothing better than clean sheets and an evening shower
I haven’t been on social media lately as I’ve been mourning the loss of my sister. The responses on FB have been kind but overwhelming, and I’ve been the family member tasked with communicating with her friends, who she didn’t even tell she had cancer.
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If you show up on Election Day with ID that proves citizenship & address, the law should say that you’re automatically registered, and you should be allowed to vote.
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Isn't it interesting that every killing by every cop is just a single bad apple that should never be thought to spoil the bunch, while every protest by and on behalf of marginalized people must be flawlessly perfect, or all participants deserve the brutality the police exist to deliver to them?
I can’t underscore this enough. Scientific research confirms that cruelty to animals is associated with cruelty to people. This is deeply disturbing behavior.
I was playing online poker this morning, and in the course of maybe an hour, I got pocket 10s five times. I won four of those hands, and three of those were because I picked up another 10 for three-of-a-kind.
Almost every night I tell myself that I’m going to go to bed early, and most nights I fail. It’s basic adulting, really. Okay, tonight I’ll do it for real.
I moved last year and not long ago downloaded the Citizen app. Now I get constant notifications of crime happening near me, and I can’t figure out if I’m really in a dangerous area, or if it’s just the awareness that inflates the sense of risk.
For the last two years, I had a frustrating time doing my taxes. So this year I put it off until the last day, only to have no trouble at all. Maybe I was in a better head space, or just used better software this year. Either way, I’m more relieved than expected to have that done with.
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Taking extraordinary action to prevent fascist takeover is not the same thing as taking extraordinary action to enable fascist takeover and I really hope people are learning this lesson because it migit might very well be on the final exam.
"Democrats shouldn't expand the Supreme Court because Republicans might do the same if given the opportunity." Ahem.
I don’t quite live in path of totality. Debating whether or not I should drive into traffic tomorrow to look for a spot to watch the eclipse, or stay in the comfort of home to see the near-eclipse.
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My sister, the vegetarian, insists our anthropocentrism will be our downfall she says we ignored bird flu because it mainly kills animals so many animals but just animals, and it’s not that I think she’s wrong but that the pandemic taught me we don’t care about dead humans either.
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World Health Organisation Announces Definitively That Covid Is Airborne, Reminds Everyone To Wash Hands Really Well.
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You fuckers want CARTOONS in a world like this? You think silly satirical HUMOR remains a possibility??????