
I don’t know what you expect the presidential election to accomplish exactly but it’s not a miracle drug to fix all problems. It’s just oxygen to keep breathing while the real work happens on the ground. That work is a heck of a lot harder to do without air.
“I voted blue but things still suck” is a reason to do more than just vote, not a reason to vote for something demonstrably worse (or sit out the chance to keep Demonstrably Worse out of office)
The excuse I hear from people often is that the Democratic candidate sucks. But I never hear them talking about voting for a better candidate in the primaries...
We constantly do but primaries in both parties dont rely on popular votes. They're picked by party representatives that partially rely on popular votes and partially rely on whoever the rep wants to vote for. Those reps are hand picked by the party
Actually they do. The GOP establishment couldn’t stop Trump because he’s who their primary voters wanted. Same for the Democrats. Bernie never got as many votes as either Clinton or Biden. Superdelegates didn’t matter.
There was an interesting discussion on the Ezra Klein podcast about this w/a couple poli sci guys who’d written a book on the party system. Their thesis was that the parties *should* take back power from the voters to stop people like Trump or (in their opinion) a too old Biden from getting the nom
I guess the Democratic Party created the superdelegates after the voters in the ‘72 primary chose McGovern, who lost to Nixon in one of the worst defeats in US history. But no superdelegates has ever gone against the popularly chosen nominee because they know it wouldn’t fly today
I’m sure you’re a busy guy and all, but if you do get a chance to fill me in on the times superdelegates have overruled the voter’s pick in the primaries I’d really appreciate it! I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself by putting an incorrect factual claim up on the internet for all to see!
I can't BELIEVE we're talking about "superdelegates" like it's May 2016 lol. Anytime ANYONE brings up that word since that year, it's just an enormous red flag. A clear indication that they're an amateur with no notion of how things work.
When you post how Elon Musk talks to people he disagrees with, you may wish to rethink how you introduce your thesis.
You know you can actually look this stuff up in official records, yes?
So after being confronted with facts, you just lie.
Hey there,were you able to track down the info on this yet?