
It’s very commendable to want to reduce environmental harm, but maybe we could do it by eliminating things no one needs (like crypto and LLMs) instead of eliminating things that help people stay well in skyrocketing heat?
no one needs oil, lets get rid of that first
Obviously it would be great to get rid of oil, but first we’d need to invent/scale up replacements for aaaaalllll the ways we currently use it (in fuel, food, plastics of every type & purpose…) Unplug crypto mining PCs and LLM servers *this second* and nothing of value would be lost.
hemp can replace most of it
The carbon footprint from air conditioning the athlete's dorms would be offset by just one rich person flying with the rest of the peasants.
France is nuclear powered anyway so there is no footprint
Then is this just global warming causing an area that historically didn't need AC to now need it? All the more reason for the rich to not fly their private jets there.
You don't expect us to have sex on the no-sex beds without AC c'mon
The Paris officials are very offended about calling the beds that- one of the maintenance guys jumped up and down on one of the beds to demonstrate that people could *absolutely* fuck on them. And somehow that makes it even funnier.
No I want to know the French terms for “soaking” and “jump humping”
We have no words for that.
Yeah, accepting Mormons in Europe is more of a German thing.
LOL...I was thinking something very similar
This is phrased in a misleading way that is almost misinformation. They have in floor cooling. It’s not like there will be no cooling in the building. It’s simply not traditional cooling. Why people are outraged about this is beyond me.
That won't be enough for the athletes to compete in a proper fashion.
73 to 79f is what I keep my home at and it’s almost cold after coming in from a run outside. This is at best a minor argument point, not a national scandal level of outrage.
There is nothing more American than frigid levels of AC in the summer. I take this as a deliberate attack on our athletes.
Looking forward to next time Grenoble hosts the winter games and as a show of virtue they decline to install heating
Just wait until they see the water pressure.
Now that it's impacting athletes, maybe the US will care more about the climate crisis
Time to rebrand as the Fall Olympics.
The French are doing a variation of sea water air conditioning, SWAC, but they are starting with water that is too warm. I once worked with a company doing SWAC that used deep sea water (impossible in Paris) that actually made the AC too cold. We found other uses that warmed it up to AC levels.
They're using ground water with a temperature of 14°C in a geothermal heating and cooling system. The temperature difference should be enough, shouldn't it?
That seems warm to me, but SWAC technology has improved in the 20 years since I was involved. Also, this is a much larger and more complicated system than I worked on. I wasn’t aware of the geothermal angle and have no experience with it. I wouldn’t trust my judgement here.
The Olympic village has a built-in geothermal heating and cooling system. So there is air conditioning, just not the kind you're used to.
Sounds like they meant to host the Winter-Os
Yeah I don't think the French really thought this whole Olympics thing through.
Every four years a new location gets an education on how hard it is to host the Olympics. We really should just pick a summer and winter spot and stick with them.
Have a queen-sized Aero beds and a/c units delivered for Team USA.