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Person of interests: critical theory, politics, modernism, film, arch+art, cute pets, &c.
The All-Star unis are pretty sweet.
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Murray "Muzski" Groat's covers for imagined Tintin / Lovecraft mashup. I would 100% read these.
Ahem: Dem leadership who are already making noises about having given up.
Do not obey in advance.
Feel like taking a stand against an injustice right now? Get engaged in this campaign — even just by signing petition. Marcellus Williams has exonerating DNA evidence in his case, yet Missouri refuses to take him off death row. Execution date is set for 9/21.
Who Is Marcellus Williams: Man Facing Execution in Missouri Despite DNA Evidence Proving DNA evidence not available at the time of Mr. Williams’ trial proves his innocence, but has not been considered in court.
Frankly, I think picking JD Vance will help get out the vote — for Dems. People across the nation can’t stand that little twerp.
Reposted byAvatar Xina
JD Vance 2016: Trump is America's Hitler (pejorative) JD Vance 2024: Trump is America's Hitler (complimentary)
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Ludwig Bemelmans, from I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Love that the judiciary is just going with “Yeah laws don’t apply to Trump”
BREAKING: Judge Aileen Cannon dismisses the Mar-a-Lago case against Trump, finding that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment is unconstitutional.
Right, this photo doesn’t capture the “wait, wait - my shoes! Let me get my shoes!” (What was all that about anyway?)
"We found a way to make this look really good for Trump. It's called 'still photography' and you're gonna love it!"
Reposted byAvatar Xina
It’s awesome how the entirety of the American security apparatus is completely helpless when it comes to a white guy with an AR15
High summer 🍒🌿
I finally watched the Spike Jones Beastie Boys doc (2020) this evening, and that was some uplift I needed tonight.
Well, whadya know: “An AR-15-type semiautomatic rifle was recovered from a deceased white male believed to be the gunman, according to two law enforcement officials.” (NYTimes reporting)
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Archie is blissfully unaware
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Just going to note, regarding "political violence" that three and a half years ago, Trump was encouraging a mob of people who wanted to hang his own VP.
Interesting. 🧐
In this wild interview with the BBC, a bystander claims he and his buddies saw the shooter, with rifle, crawling on a rooftop overlooking the rally. This story appears to be backed up by images of the dead shooter on the roof that (of course) are circulating on Twitter
Shooter to Secret Service as they ‘neutralized’ him stage right: “You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!” :dies:
Staged or not, violence during campaign events is not a good sign for democracy.
Even encourage to!
I thought people were allowed to open carry at Trump rallies, no?
I thought people were allowed to open carry at Trump rallies, no?
Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons in one day?
Reposted byAvatar Xina
I am coming late to the Jamelle Bouie dust-up on here and I have to say folks... You're wasting your energy on the wrong people. There's a five alarm fire going on in this country... And this is what you choose to do? Smdh
Political Enemies Annihilated Criminal Enterprises
His use of “peace” is so chilling
Reposted byAvatar Xina
In our new poll, Harris does slightly better than Biden against Trump with a number of groups — but not enough to show she’d definitely win or he’d definitely lose. This, in a nutshell, is the Democrats’ problem.
Reposted byAvatar Xina
Does anyone have any *direct* lines of communication (meaning not just tagging on social media) reporters who focus on abortion or any cable news journalists? The next step is getting this from local news to national and that’s a tough hurdle to overcome through cold-call emails.
This was on the front page of the LA times today, you can read the story for free here:
Reposted byAvatar Xina
My favorite David Brooks anecdote is that he once wrote that he couldn’t imagine an elitist like Obama in the line at an Applebee’s salad bar, at which point someone who had actually been to Applebee’s responded that Applebee’s does not have a salad bar. That’s Brooks’s entire career in a nutshell.
Merge two films: The Blue Velveteen Rabbit
Merge two films: Seven Brides For Seven Blues Brothers