
The bottom line—hundreds of millions of civil fraud penalties due from Trump and associated entities.
Donald Trump was at the top of the pyramid of fraud.
I thought this narrative of how the Trump Org continues to act up under supervision—and apparently is defaulting on a significant number of its loans in the process—was one of Justice Engoron’s most striking passages overall.
Seems like misidentifying the (nonexistent) CFO of your namesake organization might be considered at least as big a deal as an Egypt-Mexico slipup but what do I know.
even if you knew nothing else about the Trump Organization, those excerpts sound like a company in a death spiral
He is ignoring the original oversight with no consequences. I doubt the new judgment will change his business practices. The media will continue to tell me that President Biden is old.
I don't know the legal precedents for this stuff, but I definitely /feel/ like the inability to prepare required documents without committing fraud should be a reason to dissolve the business.
I don’t think I heard that there is a replacement accounting firm to compile SFC, GAAP compliant or not, or to prepare taxes since Mazar’s flew the coop. Is organization late in filing taxes too?
Everything old is new again: When accountants bail out Mazars resigns and disavows ten years of Trump Org financials. Nearly 15 years ago PwC did the same to Russian oil company Yukos.
As of Feb 2022: Another firm, Whitley Penn LLP, compiled the June 30, 2021 statement and the Trumps are also looking for a new firm to finish its tax returns for 2021.
The entire family knows no other way to do business, and this has normalized their cloistered reality so that what financial laws actually allow and disallow is meaningless to them. They are sociopaths, yes, but their environment has also insulated them from seeing legitimate business practices.
That’s a slog to read, but worth it. Experts brought by trump just lied, contradicted themselves & had insane conflicts.
Allen Weisselberg was at my Bar Mitzvah. He's 3 doors down from my grandparents. My grandpa told me a funny story, another (old person) neighbor recently took Allen W out for dinner and told him he was "disappointed" in his actions. Grandpa and I thought that was funny.
everytime someone said "shande" you drink
Trump has said many times in public over the years, nothing goes on in the Trump world without his knowledge, nothing.
Almost wanna send the IRS a "u see this" message
How many worthless MAGAts are going pay for Trump's OnlyFans when he desperately opens one up and begs his braindead cultists to join?
When he installs Lara in the RNC he will drain them dry to pay his legal fees. I doubt he has spent a single penny of his own money in the last two years. All those small dollar donations for his reelection campaign just to enrich his lawyers.
Although to be fair now that he owes a half a billion dollars to various people in fines it seems like that may have been the smart move.
Two years? I’d think at least 7 or 8 years.
Nah, he hasn't reached the bottom yet there, tiger. I want the fucker homeless and blind with a cane.
I mean what is 20,000 square feet between friends?
Finally out there! Which most people questioned whether this would happen! It did . Thank you southpaw!
A friend of mine predicted several weeks ago that neither Trump's nor Biden's name would be on the final ballot this November. Looks like they may be right...