Steve Portigal

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Steve Portigal

Superb user research consultant; author of Doorbells, Danger and Dead Batteries & Interviewing Users (, Host
Dollars To Donuts podcast
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Steve Bannon loses his last bid to stay out of prison.
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Rational brain says the Trump sound bites will be the lasting legacy here, lizard brain says we’re in deep trouble Need to shut lizard brain up
Ezra Levin, from Indivisible "When voters focus on the personalities, we struggle. When voters focus on the stakes, we win. And what all the data so far tells us is that many, many voters do not yet understand the stakes. "
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Canelo is here if you need a hug.
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BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court just undid decades of regulatory law, making it far more difficult for federal agencies to issue rules and regulations that carry out broad mandates enacted by Congress.
Supreme Court whacks the so-called 'administrative state' The decision overturned Chevron v. The Natural Resources Defense Council, a 1984 decision that was not particularly controversial when it was announced 40 years ago.
"I switched out the halloumi for bacon and it was delicious!" ???
"goop Marin" sounds like the French name for some kind of horrifying earth mother creature (pronounced goo-Marahn)
When my Music News feed contains headlines like "Diplo accused of revenge porn" it's going to be an enjoyable Friday #sigh
Anyone else hosting Wordpress at Flywheel having weird problems this morning (503 on my wp-admin page, weird code appearing on my site, and their chat - the only way to get help - is broken)?
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For those asking, including, I'm not convinced that has been done. The short version is get something serious to the 11th C and ask for a recusal. Thus far, however, Cannon is preventing this by never making any decisions at all, instead just ordering hearing after hearing
Since I'm sure it's been done, can anyone point me to the accurate discussion of whether, and how, Judge Cannon could be removed from the documents case?
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Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
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There’s no upside of LinkedIn
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Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
Japanese scientists have found a way to attach living skin to robot faces. The researchers say it paves the way to making convincingly realistic, moving humanoids with self-healing skin that will not easily rip or tear. (oh man those pictures don't look don't look)
Faces made of living skin make robots Scientists find a way to attach living skin to robot faces for more realistic smiles and expressions.
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david bowie had a whole song about it
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hello, sharing this one more time. I do really love this one and would love for you to read it.
hi pals, I wrote a newsletter today and it's one I've wanted to write for a while, so I hope you'll read and share and subscribe and all that jazz.
Sobbing on the On teaching yourself to see the world in a new way
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So, the double standard here is Biden needs to do one armed push ups and Trump needs to not take a dump on stage while screeching the n-word?
No way to tell from the Mailchimp RSS documentation if I add a backdated post to my blog, does that count as "new" content that will go out in an email? I assume not and I don't want it to, but I can't believe I have to create a test post and see what happens to find out for sure :(
Are there Tar-level fan-theories that explain just what the hell was going on in "All of us Strangers" ?
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I'm just a simple country political scientist but I'm pretty sure if any other major presidential candidate said this it'd be covered none stop for weeks and everyone would agree that their campaign was over
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Mom put her kid in the car after a day at the zoo. Then the doors wouldn’t open because the battery died. Sealing the 20-month-old inside in the middle of a national Heat Dome in the Arizona desert. Because Teslas are fucking dumb death traps.
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I guess I’ve become sort of a science-hype debunker so as far as this goes, let me just say: it’s real. Really really real. You could soon get a shot every six months that would basically eliminate your chance of getting HIV. Taken a step further: we have the tools to eliminate HIV in our lifetime.
Gilead’s twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV succeeds in late-stage Gilead's experimental twice-yearly medicine to prevent HIV was 100% effective in a late-stage trial, the company said Thursday.