Rob Grant

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Rob Grant

Rugby, music, law, something something
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
This is the weirdest thing to me: Even if you’re a voter whose top priority is mental acuity, Biden is still the choice! He’s clearly impaired but still far less impaired than Trump.
Especially if they are choosing to not write about Trump’s “gaffes” that he has in greater number! The framing and decision making on what is important for one side and not the other is infuriating.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
From the pundit who brought us “Martha-Ann Alito is the life of any party,” it’s:
You might think this wretchedly embarrassing piece of writing is from a random family friend who the WaPo gave space to. Nope, it’s Kathleen Parker their long employed columnist! All these fucking assholes just run around in the same social club and defend each other!
I dunno if this was a typo or what but psychophants is how I’ll be referring to JD Vance, Rubio, et al., from here on out.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
If we want Trump’s 34 felony convictions to matter in this election, we have to tell voters loudly and repeatedly that it *should* matter in this election. Trump was charged with cheating in order to win the first time. That’s a big fucking deal.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Alito leaked the Dobbs ruling btw
This is basically saying “my priors on how a Supreme Court justice should behave supersede his own explanation for his conduct and exonerate him.”
Nuns, as usual, getting it done.
dunno if you guys saw this but the order behind benedictine college was not super happy with harrison butker's comments
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
most political campaigns would pay serious money to keep a story like “the candidate killed a dog” under wraps, but kristi noem is out here like “i’d shoot that motherfucker again if i could”
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Never forget that Republicans could have, after 1/6/2021, made Trump go away as a candidate forever by voting to convict in his impeachment. Instead what McConnell said they wanted was for the criminal legal system to deal with it, which is how we get to where we are today
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
As any historian can tell you, the lasting lesson of McCarthyism was that when bad faith partisans haul you before Congress with demands for punishment of wrongthink, if you just give in to them completely well, that’ll be the end of it.
"It’s hard to think of a time since the anti-Communist House Un-American Activities Committee when Congress has made such an effort to investigate disfavored ideologies in academe." Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia Obliged.
Opinion | Republicans Wanted a Crackdown on Israel’s Critics. Columbia The latest campus antisemitism hearing was a travesty.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Sitting Senator publicly incites others to engage in politicized murder of civilians.
More like Mar-a-La-everything-must-go
that's enough dough to buy Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower, jack
Hmm, odd, but it appears ol’ Donny has hung another lawyer out to dry.
Donald Trump appears to have cut Alina Habba out of a recent legal settlement, leaving one of his most prominent attorneys vulnerable to being sued for fraud.
Alina Habba Is in Serious Trouble After Latest Trump Hush-Money Donald Trump’s lawyer is on the hook after his Bedminster golf club settled a recent lawsuit.
This story is incredible. Anna Cooper is the kind of person who deserves a statue.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
OK, let me tell you a joke. It’s a joke about context. (One of the most popular topics for jokes, I know. I give the people what they want.) Here’s the joke: Say somebody gave a rally, and a lot of people came.
The Way It Seeing the full picture in a fascist age of bloodbaths and violence-incitement rallies. But first: a joke about context.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
this doesn't necessarily disprove the "she's dead" theory
This is the worst afterschool special I’ve ever seen.
Is Katie Britt about to cry?
Lotta people posting about how Trump is gonna get the Saudis to pay his judgments seem to be forgetting that the Saudis already bought Jared for $2B and I’m pretty sure he threw his decrepit old FIL in as a little sweetener.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Every two weeks a judge in a different state bangs a gavel, announces "it is the finding of this court that the accused, Donald Trump, is an absolute turbo shithead" and then fines him an amount roughly equal to a MLB team's entire payroll. This is expected to continue for months.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
I really don't understand how the NYT can write 13 paragraphs about Trump's claims about NATO nations owing money without mentioning that NATO nations did not, in fact, owe money, were not "in arrears", and $$$ did not come "flowing in" to NATO after Trump's threats.
For at least the third time in recent memory.
The big story should be that a Republican prosecutor didn’t find grounds to charge Biden and inserted gratuitous commentary that aligns with GOP talking-points during an election year in an attempt to influence the outcome. That should really be a huge scandal.
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
clearly the 2024 election must decided via a very special head-to-head episode of Celebrity Jeopardy
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
Year after year Rufo just goes on Twitter and announces, "Here's the next fuss we're going to make, 100 percent as a cynical pretext, to get the media to parrot our message and advance our right-wing agenda," and every time the press is like, thank you for the valuable news tip
Reposted byAvatar Rob Grant
This is the most appalling attorney misconduct I have ever seen.
It will never not be funny to me that Giuliani bills himself as a security consultant.
Oh, this is a big deal: Statement today from Ukraine's SBU. It's charging former Ukrainian lawmaker Derkach and former Ukrainian prosecutor Kulyk with treason against Ukraine