
I don’t think anyone has a monopoly on wisdom in this situation, but can we agree using polling as a heuristic is idiotic? LBJ’s decision and the party intrigue that ensued led to bloody unrest in Chicago, and then Humphrey lost to Nixon—which was not a good result for America to put it mildly.
I’m literally begging opinion writers to read a single history book
Yeah, thank God we're not doing it Chicago again this time.
or that there's an unpopular war we're blamed for that with a big anti-incumbent anti-war slice of protestors...
starting to think some of these people dont have whats good for america in mind
“Be like Obama and Reagan, who stayed in after bad debates.” (A take I hate because FKING REAGAN, but here we are.)
LBJ bows out and the replacement Dem candidate loses to a guy who was pretty sure he was cheated out of winning the previous presidential election in which he was the GOP nominee. Hmmm
The replacement who was only the replacement because the sure thing was assassinated 5 months after LBJ bowed out. And it's not like we have another RFK to... wait...
That’s a totally unfair comparison. It’s not like 1968, when the Dems were running against an unpopular and unethical Republican candidate, who had recently lost a closely-contested presidential election that was subsequently hit with widespread allegations of fraud…
They're also neglecting the fact that this popular choice became less so after RFK was assassinated.
And also that LBJ bowed out in FEBRUARY
and that we don't have an RFK, except, you know, the crazier than a shithouse rat one
And you're absolutely right. There's no one near a sure thing as RFK was, probably never will be.
Exactly and it's kinda weird that THIS would be the year that Jr. popped off.
Using polling as a heuristic is good, or at least better than vibes. But it needs to be informative. A poll that says 57% want Biden to drop out is not meaningful unless accompanied by a question "Will you still vote for him if he doesn't?" and the responses are in the vicinity of, say,43%.
Yes, let’s do ‘68 again it went so well
Yeah I don’t have a strong opinion on which path is better but I do think that the rush to declare the “replace Biden” as obviously correct and without very real risks is dumb
It's definitely risky, but on the other hand
Another unnamed donor who suggests this but offers no alternative. In the meantime, if all these opinion writers are so concerned about Biden winning the election because "too old," why aren't they suggesting he step down now? We have a capable Black woman VP . . . wait, someone handed me a note...
I think you need to read it again, this donor is arguing to stick with Biden.
I think I read it as "he's old and sucks, but whatcha gonna do?"
It's as though the newspaper demanding what kept Democrats from occupying White House for 12 of the next 16 years is owned by an oligarch who wants an oligarchy.
I don’t think anyone has a monopoly on wisdom in this situation, but can we agree using polling as a heuristic is idiotic? LBJ’s decision and the party intrigue that ensued led to bloody unrest in Chicago, and then Humphrey lost to Nixon—which was not a good result for America to put it mildly.
In an 1864 speech Abraham Lincoln, in reply to a Delegation from the National Union League urging him to be their presidential candidate he said, “An old Dutch farmer, once remarked that it was not best to swap horses when crossing streams.” Who am I to argue with Lincoln?
The problem with Humphrey in 1968 was that out of loyalty to LBJ he refused to distance himself from Vietnam policy and the draft, which led to rejection by voters, particularly youth, who opposed the war in Vietnam. Any resonances there?
?!?!?!?! these papers?? we LOST. as you say. wtf wtf wtf
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose