Oscar G. Marx

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Oscar G. Marx


pro bono bonobo, rando nobo hobo (enjoyer of corny rhymes)
grouch with a poetry problem

☭ socialism must win!
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“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
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Mountains between New York and Newfoundland were formed during the Acadian orogeny roughly 375 million years ago. This is very approximately as old as the earliest fossil evidence of copulation in animals, meaning that some of the Appalachian mountains are quite literally old as fuck.
“cognition all the way down…” — we are a collective of cells and organs operating within a collective of organisms and ecosystems, comrades. genes are not the blueprint of life. Life is self organizing and strong. Be life!
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Fuck Mars, I'm moving to the penguin and egg galaxy, who coming with?
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Two views of Appalachia: Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance “Coat of Many Colors,” Dolly Parton. Enough said.
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The latest cover of the New Yorker:
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In the rainforests of Vancouver Island, something has shifted in my mind about birding by ear. The songs are not an indication of the thing I’m looking for. The songs are the thing. Bubbling water. A Pacific wren trilling out an elaborate melody. Swanson’s thrushes echoing above the ferns.
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I am also unable to help but notice that Joe Biden is, once again, tacking left at the urging of Bernie Sanders and AOC in the summer of the election year after spending roughly the past year antagonizing the party's base, and that worked the first time
still think it would be smart to swap in Kamala but VP JD Vance is the best I've felt about Biden's chances in at least a month, maybe two
retain agency! stay open to change. expect it (except from a vending machine) stay small and smell nice (like flowers). gather nectar dance with yer mates to make honey (like bees). sing in the morning for no other reason than it’s morning and you have a voice (like the birds) do the needful!
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In this reality, they are the moral centers with the power, and they exhibit this power through their ability to nullify who they perceive to be equal and opposite forces in the standard reality.
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Just a reminder: Believe in yourself, even when no one else will.
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Oh, busy weaver! unseen weaver!—pause!—one word!—whither flows the fabric? what palace may it deck?
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Morning Meditation: When we’re not awake, all sorts of views and opinions make sense. Zen Graffiti
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Classrooms full of kids murdered, but the only time America starts a national conversation about “turning back from violence” is when an old white guy gets a bit of blood on his ear.
not every thought in my head needs to be said, so delete and retreat and be kind instead. cuz variety is good, and for it i simp; change is the range for which we all pimp a light in the storm, a change in the weather, we’re better by far when we all stay together
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"THeRe iS aBsOlUteLy nO pLaCe fOr pOLitIcAl vIoLeNce iN oUr dEmOcRaCy."
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There's a pirate radio station broadcasting in my head. I woke to a punk showtune, brushed my teeth to folk dubstep. A light classical disco mix was followed by thrash rumba. I don't mind the music, but the DJ's such a grumbler. #whistpr (pirate) #writingprompt
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We’re all under the same stars✨
this is the only 4:20 that matters when to be up before the sun, drunk on starlight, ready for whatever comes is the only purpose of life, the only sensible choice, the real and true meaning of freedom
these are the days when fishing seems such a better option than doomscrolling and there’s a free seat in my canoe for you, comrade! tight lines (sorry about the rhymes) do the needful!
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Therefore a health to all that shot and miss’d.
there are very few situations where all things are equal, but when they are, it’s true the simplest explanation is often the best place to start, but since simple is equal to complex here it’s only best because it reveals itself most readily. Ockham was a pragmatist and his razor has been misused.
So the courts will now decide if polluters get fined because agencies are just tree hugging babies who won’t play ball with their corporate overlords and owners… that’s one more brick in the wall of fascism they puttin up. it’s all gonna be one giant company store when they done.
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9 months trying to find words that don’t exist to describe the indescribable, words to bring back the dead and regrow the limbs of children who scarcely had time to use them, words to touch the hearts of the butchers, words to stop the genocide. Maybe a new world will have them.
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The DOJ is reportedly prepping a rental market collusion lawsuit against software maker RealPage, whose tools are used by landlords to set apartment prices. Read our 2022 investigation into RealPage and its role in America's soaring housing costs: www.propublica.org/article/yiel...
Rent Going Up? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Why.www.propublica.org Texas-based RealPage’s YieldStar software helps landlords set prices for apartments across the U.S. With rents soaring, critics are concerned that the company’s proprietary algorithm is hurting compet...
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