🤏 eoᵹ̇an 🫳

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🤏 eoᵹ̇an 🫳


Really think they should’ve just done a big dump of all the tracks in a “here they are if you’re interested” sort of way rather than pretending that they’re any way done like they are atm with the trickle of releases
the posthumous sophie songs are a great reminder not to disclose the location of your unfinished songs directory
In a weird way it makes me respect her more cos it shows that part of genius is knowing that not everything you make is a banger and only releasing things that reach the high quality bar you’ve set for yourself
Like would we have thought that Prince was the master he was if he had released 1000 mid songs along with everything he did? Would the deserving classics have been drowned out in the noise?
Also one confusing decision that was made is that Alex Evans seems to have mixed all the songs when it was her brother Ben Long who mixed and mastered her music when she was alive (and the mixes are questionable on these posthumous releases 😬😬)
Me every day now that I live here 😔😔😔
Doctor: “All of the disasters I’ve seen combined, 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza” Reporter: Is it mostly children? Doctor: Almost exclusively… x.com/AssalRad/sta...
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable.www.politico.com American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of the Israel-Hamas war.
Ruining my day early by reading about potential microplastic leeching with aeropress usage 🙃
I’ve apparently made a life for myself where I’m the guy you think of and message at 5am when you’re fucked but don’t care enough to reply the next day lol this keeps happening to me
It's pretty wild that this is front page news on the Guardian (EU edition) but not in any of the Irish papers:
Are we virtuous because we're not on Twitter or not on Twitter because we're virtuous?
We beg God to stop the bombing of Gaza
still trying to figure out if I’m impressed or offended by the gal who I got talking to on a flight last year who made me follow her on Instagram and then never followed me back, a power move for sure
Watching people be confused about what "brat summer" is is the least old I've felt since I was actually young.
Honestly I think you start to get into XR-style horizontal liberalism without the left right axis, I guess that’s why the political compass-style 2 axis is popular
losing my mind because three people said "morning!" in almost perfect 3 part harmony in the morning meeting
Can't have Kamala Harris as new democrat candidate because I've already confused like 3 posts on here thing thinking they're talking about Simon Harris
time for Hillary v Trump 2: Fight for Survival
Complacency in directly confronting nascent far-right mobilisation is a luxury of the unaffected majority and ultimately a betrayal of our common humanity.
Yet we are still hearing politicians deferring to ‘community concerns’ and a govt’s failure to communicate. This is a dangerous & enabling game. It implies that a lack of communication is leading to a potential pogrom without confronting the core issue here, which is a burgeoning violent nativism.
This photo would get you 200k reblogs on 2010 tumblr
I just started dance classes last month! It’s v fun would recommend when you can
I think non-French and non-French-speaking readers should be told about how utterly insane things are now in and around Paris because of the Olympics are. The opening ceremony is one week away and they've already barred any access to the Seine! 🧵⤵️ •1/19
The thing about the fash is, they’re just not very bright.
hate to see in-fighting, this is why the community is so small 😔😔
Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
it's so funny when somebody publicly flounces off here and goes to a way worse site instead. "i'm going back to twitter" lol okay. have fun on "threads" i guess
Building A Radio Kootwijk, Netherlands r/brutalism