
I can’t think of any way that forming a firewall on super tuesday of the 2020 election to ratfuck the M4A candidate and hand it to the oldest most anti-M4A candidate would backfire 4 years later when that really old guy gets 4 years older
anyway I can’t think of any way that unceremoniously ejecting the incumbent Dem president from the ticket, four months before the election, with no agreement on a successor, no process to pick one, and most people pushing the idea assuming it WON’T be the vice presidents, could possibly backfire
this opinion is as artificial as your profile pic
Yes it is indeed a human-made opinion
Bernie is the ratfucker. He refused to join the Dems for decades, then joined just so he could use party money to run on a platform of "Dems suck." He did not actually increase youth turnout at ALL. The only difference between 2012 & 2016 is the percentage of them that voted 3rd party doubled.
WTF are you talking about
This actually proves Will’s point. If voters democratically electing a nominee gets idiots to keep spouting conspiracy theories years after the fact, imagine the reactions undemocratically replacing the nominee at the last minute would provoke.
Yes it based on that distorted version of my statement that the Democratic Party should stake its hopes of beating Trump again
American liberals simply cannot fathom a world with working democracy. They really think that they couldn't organise a simple ballot from a shortlist to vote on at the convention in August.