
May we live to see our empire fall.
This is 100000% an amazing outcome but it's historically naive to say Biden did this when it's been US policy for like 50 years. The problem is empire, not Biden. This didn't start October 7th, it started in the 60s (or arguably the 40s).
Not saying that's what you're saying, just the quoted post annoyed me so that's what I'm responding to lol
Haha i hear you. I posted it and then I thought man, that’s not the best post for this event. By then it was too late, it’s super hot here, and I’m lying down. You know how it is. Anyway, it led to good discussion.
And this wholesome af exchange is why bluesky is great. Hope you got good rest!
I did, thank you! An unusually (for me) descent night’s sleep.
The Empire is unraveling the way it is in some part to Biden. His ham fists are all over the collapse
I am personally not rooting for collapse just yet because I don't think the left is at all ready for what happens in a collapse, so unless wherever you are the left is, like, WAY more organized and stockpiled than they are here, I would maybe hold off on the collapse prayers
There are multiple far-right militias within like 100 miles, and the one socialist rifle club fell apart due to infighting over the most tediously meaningless bullshit, we are not ready for the collapse and I'm not sure we're even ready for a modest pot luck lol
No accelerationism for me, thanks. Organized revolution? YES. A more rapid dissolution? That’s just more suffering.
We're more prepared than some, less prepared than others. Ready or not, it's coming down
I'm actually not even sure that's true? Like what's the metric you're measuring this by?
Which part? That the US Empire is in a process of collapse, or that there's a Left relatively well positioned to gain by it?
The ‘againsts’ were certainly interesting
United Nations General Assembly vote result. Draft resolution A/ES10/L30 rev 1 is adopted. Against: Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, and the United States.
Some observers suggest that “checkbook diplomacy” is at work here, and that Israel or the US bought the tiny island states’ votes for $. Each countries vote is equal in a general assembly vote, whether from China or a tiny group of islands. And Micronesia is almost always echoing U.S vote.
Nauru is self-governing and independent since 1968, And Palau gained full sovereignty in 1994, while US provides the country assistance under Compact of Free Association.
Drunk former historian here, but pretty sure those islands were conquered and occupied by the US military as a result of WW2, not hard to extrapolate from that.
I’d watch Drunk Former Historian.
I do all my best creative work while drunk. Which explains why I haven't finished a novel in years (medically enforced sober)
remember laying in the grass across from a golf course on 9/11, watching airplanes scramble across empty, controlled airspace. been leaning a long, long time
It's sad that they watched injustice going on for 75 years and so many children had to die, but Palestinian reality was always death and suffering,it's sick to cut down olive trees because tthat's their only way to make some money
Biden says he wants equality and justice for all people, but he sends arms to defend Ukrainians, sends bombs to murder Palestinians, sends nothing to help the people suffering genocide in Darfur and feeds the political chaos and instability in Haiti.