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OBVIOUS FACTS - Palestinians are human beings. Israel and the US are committing GENOCIDE against Palestinians. The refusal of Western governments to stop this GENOCIDE makes them guilty as well.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Yesterday was the anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. There are two survivors left. Ages 109. I think a lot about the failure of this nation to address this atrocity and many others. Not from the 17th, 18th or 19th century, but the 20th. And the determination of those survivors to live so long.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I don't want to understand the evil it takes to pretend to defend Palestine and to lecture people to vote for their slaughter
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I am so sick of white people leading these thought exercises about Black people being brutalized in a parallel universe. Black people are being brutalized RIGHT NOW for merely existing.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I often post photos from bike rides around Detroit. Here is an excellent story of how some of these neighborhoods end up so devastated: industry buys up lots, neglects them, buys more for cheaper, then starts operating a concrete plant to poison the residents who don't want to or can't move away
Cadillac Heights concrete plant built illegally in It's the latest example of the city allowing special dispensations for heavy industry operations nestled in majority-Black neighborhoods.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
My op-ed for The Hill on the Antisemitism Awareness Act. There are many horrible things about the proposed act: it would silence Palestinians; it wld violate academic freedom & 1st Amend. It wld also ban the teaching of huge swaths of left-wing Jewish history
The Antisemitism Awareness Act bars the teaching of modern Jewish Congress has no business defining what it means to be Jewish.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
May we live to see our empire fall.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
If you can't face the people, you most certainly aren't qualified to lead them.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
The UNRWA just had to shut down their East Jerusalem HQ because settlers keep setting the property on fire. This will receive exactly zero commentary on the inherent lack of moral compass or brutality of Israelis in the manner that a questionable chant by pro-Palestinian protesters would.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
There are 1.3 million people in Rafah and there's no place left to run. People are fleeing to the coast and back to Khan Younis, which has already been devastated by Israel I cannot imagine the terror of being chased by IDF back and forth from one bombed out wasteland to another
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
With Gaza’s maternity care in shambles, danger & misery abound for babies, parents & midwives “Most of the newborns suffer from malnutrition, because of the malnutrition of the mothers, and from poor respiration because of the dust created by the bombings."
With Gaza’s maternity care in shambles, danger and misery abound for babies, parents and Hospitals, struggling to treat the wounded, have few resources to keep newborns safe as an estimated 180 are born every day in the Palestinian enclave
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
When you wake from a dream and realize the lies you were fed, the lies you believed are part of the narrative of this slaughter These students are braver than any soldier in the IDF, any Pro Israel politician any scholar who knows better but didn’t join the side of truth anyone who remains silent
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
This fucking country.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Climate justice requires not only acknowledging the disproportion harms done via climate change & ecological destruction but also the inequitable conditions created through colonialism/settler-colonialism, racial capitalism, white supremacy & patriarchy that exacerbated the vulnerabilities globally.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
After all: are they terrorists or not? Or did Palestinian babies, children, women, elderly people have some more lethal weapons?
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
The US media, pundits, spin doctors & politicians are salivating with warmongering & unironic double-standards. All because Islamophobia, xenophobia & racism are the modus operandi & currency of white supremacy. But young folks are more clear-eyed now & the rest of world always saw the hypocrisy.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Prove that you are human.
When the mighty US seems incapable of ending Israel’s genocide in Gaza. When Congress puts forward bills for Tic Toc to be sold, apparently because young people are seeing the atrocities being committed in Gaza. It makes it difficult to counter the false narrative that “The Jews” control the world.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
"I called it genocide because it's become clearer and clearer that Putin is just trying to wipe out even the idea of being Ukrainian. The evidence is mounting," Joe Biden 2022 Biden has lifted the veil of US righteousness and revealed it can also be genocidal in its pursuit of greed and power.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994; mass shootings dropped by 43%. George W. Bush and the GOP let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004; mass shootings increased by 245%. These numbers tell the whole story.
Biden played himself by supporting Netanyahu’s war. Netanyahu knows that continuing his assault on Gaza, increases the chance that Arab American voters stay home in October, which raises the likelihood of Trump’s return. When given 2 horrendous options, voters can choose neither. They have a choice!