Christine Kooi

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Christine Kooi

Early modernist, LSU professor, Reformation historian, immigrant, dochter van Nederlanders, birder (not necessarily in that order)
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We need collective pushback against the seeming inevitable omnipresence of Generative AI. As a teacher, I hope that all of us in education can enter the next academic year questioning AI usage, explaining why we won't/don't use it, and pointing to its harmful effects on decarbonization. 🗃️
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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I remain appalled that higher ed has largely embraced AI, or at best not taken much of a stance. The public university where I teach held a huge IT conference (with industry peeps) in the last academic year where essentially every panel was devoted to how to use AI in our classes. I did not... 🗃️
So. Google just released an internal paper about the epistemic, ethical, and sociopolitical threats of generative "AI," and golly gee whiz if that doesn't sure as shit sound familiar. 🤔🧐😒🙄
Google: AI Potentially Breaking Reality Is a Feature Not a “While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”
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I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
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CfP: “Early Anabaptism in Global Perspective,” to be held July 22-24, 2025, Elizabethtown College (PA). The conference will focus on c16th and c17th Anabaptism, esp. the global context in which Anabaptism emerged and spread. For more information, see the full call below: #earlymodern
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
If you're in or around Leuven next Monday (24 June), I cordially invite you to a talk on my new book project: "1572: A Year in the End of Christendom." #earlymodern 🗃️
“A Dramatic Year:” 1572 and the End of Christendom”
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Hey #earlymodern #skystorians! If you are not normally UK-based but are planning to be in the UK in the coming academic year: let us know! UK-based people might like to invite you to give a paper, cover a lecture, grab coffee, meet with students, etc. 🗃️
Visitors To The An attempt to capture and disseminate information about earlymodernists visiting the UK.
Friends, if you find yourself in the Leuven area on 24 June, I cordially invite you my LECTIO talk at 14:00 (Europahuis, KU Leuven, Blijde-Inkomststraat 5, Grote zaal). I'll be presenting some preliminary research on my next book project: "1572: A Year in the End of Christendom." #early modern 🗃
Je krijgt steeds meer beeld bij het woord 'rariteitenkabinet'. 🤦
So excited: my piece about some of the possible stories behind this #earlymodern tabla from a Valladolid convent will be in the September edition of AHA's Perpsectives. Thank you, , for the invitation and opportunity! #everythinghasahistory #nuntastic #materialculture
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🚨New Episode!🚨The French Wars of Religion- Faith in Destruction. Join us as we unravel the intricate tapestry of alliances, betrayals, and power struggles that defined this turbulent period during the second half of the XVIth century. #France #history #religion #podcast #FRhistory 🗃️
A perfect definition of AI. It's not intelligence; it's just hypercalculation.
"Steal the generic plagiarized average of other artists work" is the most perfect description I've heard so far
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I'm looking for an expert who can talk to me about the history/role of financial consultants hired by universities to help evaluate/make budget cuts. Who's studied this? Who should I talk to? Particularly interested in sources who aren't heavily quoted. DM me with suggestions.
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I am delighted to announce that my monograph Catholic Survival in the Dutch Republic: Agency in Coexistence and the Public Sphere in Utrecht, 1620-1672 has just been published by #OpenAccess #skystorians
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For the non-academics on my list, this means that bitonal images of (nearly) every book printed for the English market before 1800 is now available online, for free, on archive dot org. (Short thread w/history of this massive early twentieth-century undertaking.)
Well holy handgrenades, I lived to see the STC's microfilm go OA (NOT actually EEBO is my guess as to how they navigated those rights, but who knows, the access is what matters).
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And here's my interview with Times Higher Education: “If these cuts will be carried out, we are back to where we were seven years ago: highly understaffed universities with precarious scholars and scientists and underfunded research."
Dutch research funding cuts will ‘reverse years of progress’ Incoming right-wing government plans to reduce spending by €1 billion, just as efforts to reduce precarity and overwork were starting to have an effect
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What an amazing resource to belatedly discover! The MoMA’s website on their German Expressionist holdings (picture Franz Marc, Horses Resting [Ruhende Pferde], 1911) 🗃️ #skystorians:
Amen to that.
LLM should mean “lovely lasagna meal” and nothing else
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De btw op boeken gaat in Nederland naar 21%. Eric Koenen zocht uit hoe dat zit in andere Europese landen. BELGIË 6% DUITSLAND 7% TSJECHIË 10% UK & IERLAND 0% ZWEDEN 6% ZWITSERLAND 2,5% FRANKRIJK 5,5% GRIEKENLAND 6,5% ITALIË 4% LUXEMBURG 3% OOSTENRIJK 10% PORTUGAL 6%
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“And so the Vatican, an institution peppered with mysticism, and which still communicates via smoke signals, will be hoping its new rules can regulate claims of the supernatural.” *laughs in historian* 🗃️
Vatican reveals new rules for supernatural The new guidelines are expected to tighten the criteria for what counts as a divine apparition.
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TONIGHT! Descend upon Bloomsbury or yell if you still want a zoom link! #earlymodern #skystorians
THIS FRIDAY! The wonderful Carolina Lenarduzzi on "Religious dissenters and the Dutch Patriot Movement, 1781-1787" 17 May, 5:30pm all welcome, or via zoom! 🗃️ #earlymodern #LowCountries #skystorians #reformazing
Religious dissenters and the Dutch Patriot Movement,