
it's not a "windfall", because they planned and acted deliberately to get that money
The recent news from Massachusetts revenue officials that they collected about $1.8 billion this year from the so-called "millionaires tax" sparked chatter: Is the windfall great financial news — or a precursor to an exodus of wealthy residents?
Other states eye Mass. millionaires tax — for windfall or wealth States considering wealth tax proposals, like Pennsylvania and Vermont, are taking note of Massachusetts' revenue gains. But at home, the question of whether the voter-approved Fair Share Amendment is...
“Adequate state funding: threat, or menace?”
I’m so tired, cee. Why can’t NYC just … fund its libraries and transit in a functional way!!!
Part of the issue is that the MTA is a state agency, not a city agency. In either case, it’s so frustrating!
Yeah there are a zillion reasons but I’m so tired of watching city residents who aren’t zillionaires get shafted.
And if it's picked up on the national level: "... and how this might spell trouble for Joe Biden".
I love that every time this happens someone says “but if you tax them, they will leave!” (no. i don’t love this.) I always have a strong urge to say “Good. Let them. At this point, they’re sucking money out of the local economy and not putting it back via taxes or spending locally."
Right. Should they not pay a little more tax? If they leave who cares. They’re not contributing anyway.
A significant number of people and companies left California for Texas because of taxes. A significant number of them *came back*.
Bc they realize that TX is in the hard grip of the GOP & that comes w certain problems if you believe in birth control, abortion, good schools, and not living under the constant fear some jackass with a gun will shoot up everything and everyone you love. Texas Legislature is corrupt to the core.
The women who had to move did not like it, and quite a few moved elsewhere. The lack of reliable heating and power drove a lot away. Some of the people who move love it there. Guns! No taxes or serverices! Nothing to get in the way of being a white asshole!
We voted for it! Then the governor cut other taxes.
That's what they always do. Maryland approved a casino with revenue to go to education and then Hogan took ed money away to "balance" it. Since then Maryland put budget authority back with the legislature but that kind of stuff is the way repugs operate.
our governor is a Democrat
As I was typing, I realized that. I guess it's everyone's way of operating now.
True. It's a harvest 😊
I find it confusing that the expert says “You almost definitely will not raise as much money as progressive supporters tell you you'll raise, but you can raise real money this way." The state brought in $1 b more than projections. Maybe he’s trying to say “you will actually raise more”?
they also give some helpful tips for how to get around the tax, because class warfare isn't allowed to be subtle anymore.
Years of planning, coalition building, multiple signature gathering campaigns, and amending John Adams’ own state constitution. Yeah it was a hell of a plan.
I hope it actually goes to education and not the slush fund, bc teachers are getting cut across the state! Get that money down to the town level please!