
I have little to say about Bowman loss, other than I didn't want him to lose. But I find it weird that people pretend he didn't say anything that can legitimately ignite a strong counter response from the specific demographic of his district. AIPAC didn't make him lose. He lost all by himself.
Twenty points is not AIPAC money, sorry
It takes a lot for an incumbent to lose a primary by 20 points.
I wanted Bowman to lose for weakening President Biden's agenda throughout his tenure. He was a flawed candidate who repeatedly antagonized members of his electorate. Blaming his loss on AIPAC or on George Soros or on the elders of Zion is not-very-thinly-veiled antisemitism.
Local perspective is not the same as the broader bsky opinion on this race. Bowman lost for a number of reasons, but I/P was arguably not the most important one. Those AIPAC-funded ads didn't even touch the issue.
I live just down the road from Bowman's district and saw a lot of the ads run against him. Normie Dems care whether you back your party's president or not, and Bowman did a bad job of defending his choices.
That kind of seems like all one issue, not backing Biden's bill, and then insisting that Biden was covering up a genocide.
Few people out in the real world are especially invested in the Gaza war. When you vote against a bill backed by a President in your party that will bring jobs to your district, constituents notice.
You don't have to be invested in the war itself to react when the guy says that the Jewish rape victims are lying, their word is not proof of anything. There's no walking that back and it doesn't even have to be mentioned in ads. It's a BFD, radioactive permanently.
maybe from Bowman's perspective? I don't know. From the TV campaign perspective, the two were not connected.
JStreet pulled its endorsement! That says an awful lot.
Blaming money is like blaming the umps. You're probably wrong and shouldn't say it either way.
I didn't want him to lose either. And I agree.