
A: REBECCA GARDNER and ROMILLY NEWMAN Q: How do you say “I have no Asian friends” in Caucasian
“Oh you Muslim and Orthodox Jewish types and your issues with eating a little harmless bacon, such silly-billies,” same “party advisor”
Another tip would be not to call your friends who are vegan "funny about food."
Lactose intolerant? Just tolerate it smh
We all need to be more tolerant!!
ACAB includes lactose intolerance
Being a good guest is about respecting the space you’ve been invited into; you walk around in your outside shoes in my house, you are never coming back.
This. It's a give-and-take relationship. Both guest and host need to be accommodating and respectful to each other. A person's house isn't a restaurant. They are not there to serve and tolerate your rudeness--let alone for FREE.
Another tip would be not to call your friends who are vegan "funny about food."
As a Celiac I love hearing people talk about having food that won't kill me as 'funny about food,' personally
and here's the [eyeroll] gluten-free options
Nothing says the sort of fastidious compliance with the rules that are necessary for my survival like tired, forced compliance
Yeah, for sure we’re bringing our own snacks to that lady’s house! “Oats don’t have gluten! Have the cookies!”
classes of places you can visit: The Few: trustworthy, reliable, understand how important it is The Many: careless, unreliable, or just unknown; just take your own food The Evil: actively resentful to their own guests, do not interact
relatedly, it was pre-Covid but I still remember how angry (in a quiet, resigned, "of course" way) some attendees at a conference were when they got to their small but clearly labeled table of gluten-free snacks to find it had been picked clean by people who didn't want to wait in a longer lineup
before lunch emails were sent to all attendees and a bigger sign was there by the afternoon, which seemed to work
Jennifer hurtling towards “it’s all in your head you fucking snowflake” and being the cause of someone’s anaphylaxis.
😂 just serve a vegetable, people!
Like, it's *not* difficult. The majority of the food we eat, even in meat dishes, is not meat. Forgoing meat, as a meat-eater, for one Goddamn meal is not some major hardship. People are just goofy.
Every Thanksgiving, with an abundance of vegetable side dishes, my mother asks what my vegetarian husband could possibly eat for dinner.
I'm only peripherally aware of Thanksgiving but how it would go down here would be: see the meat? Everything except the meat, thanks.
Should mention that there'd be a bit more thought put into it if I were vegan or had other dietary requirements but it's rarely much more complicated than that in my experience.
Yeah, I'm vegetarian and sometimes my mom worries that there won't be enough for me to eat, and there's always plenty. (And if not, I'm fine with pie! 😄)
10/10 times I just want everyone to say nothing about my dietary choices rather than make a big deal about it
A meal with lots of vegetable side dishes *can* go wrong, but it only needs a tiny sliver of thought to avoid it. Like, I have a potato dish that uses cheese. If I use our normal cheese, its not vegetarian. So I could imagine someone roasting the veg in duck fat, or adding bacon bits or something
But to do that when you have a vegetarian guest coming would be weird. Like a story you'd find on JustNoMIL or something
Yes a little planning goes a long way. Happily, Thanksgiving can have quite a few sides.
You give me a big ol' bowl of roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, some of that corn-bread stuff, some cranberry sauce, all the veggies you got, I'll be happy enough. I'll even have plenty of room for ice cream and a bourbon or three afterwards 😋
The spirit of their point is fine (having options on hand just in case is accommodating and avoids awkward situations) but lmao that their outward response to "I have dietary restrictions" is "oh you silly lil guy, what a world we live in haha!"
I don't believe this person about feeling terrible. They're probably just as much of a smug asshole as they are in this terrible column
If I don't give enough fucks about someone to find out what they like to eat, why would I ever invite/feed them??? It's not your guest's job to give you notice. It's your job as host/hostess to ask so they don't have to feel like they're imposing.
Yes! And well before the meal/event, so you don’t make a guest feel badly about (potentially) being singled out. Another important etiquette point.
I have two different ways I host. The first one is where I make sure everyone is happy, and that planning is part of the joy of it. The other one will be a group text like: "I'll be making these three exact types of gyoza on Friday because I'm craving them. Join me or don't 🤷‍♀️"
I mean, she literally said she's making sure to have something for every potential dietary need. I think that's more important than the fact she uses a not-great umbrella term
It's literally an article about etiquette. Imagine how Gilbert's vegan friends might be reacting to seeing that today. Or, you know, if she'd said "Always make sure to have something besides pork, because the whole world is funny about God now."
Who the fuck are these people?!?
I do not want ppl's filthy shoes tracking all over my house. I do keep a supply of spa slippers for guests to use.
Ooooh, a supply of guests slippers sounds amazing and they come in bulk online! I might have to try this 🥿
I buy them in dozen pairs on Amazon. But I'm sure other places probably have bigger numbers available.
Now you are making me really think here. 'Hi, welcome to my home. Here is your welcome-ing gift bag. Inside you will find slippers, an iPod nano with songs my dogs made, and a bottle of champipple. Come inside!'
Right! I'm like... now I wanna provide rolls of hot washcloths too like this is a dang spa 😂
An Instapot on the yogurt setting works great for that.