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Attention AI companies: I have something you might be interested in.
The state department indefinitely delaying the release of the Israeli war crimes report at the same time that the judge indefinitely delays Trump's Florida trial is one of those things that would warrant the ukulele commercial break sound cue in Arrested Development
Mom can you come pick me up they left me in the room with the Lathe of Heaven again
"Let's talk about Hamilton Hall. A book on terrorism. I've said it before.. there is somebody, paid, not-paid, but they are radicalizing our students." Hosts: "Wow." [The book, again, is a commonly used textbook on campuses across the country, including at Columbia.]
DAUGHTRY edit2www.youtube.com
Never ceases to amaze me that my insurance will cover 35 chiropractic visits a year, but not eyeglasses. Correct your vision? Outrageous! Go see the Spine Wizard if you want your eyes to work.
Pre hulled sunflower seeds are neat because you can absentmindedly eat the equivalent of two big macs in 4 minutes.
It would rule so hard if they used this as an opportunity to flip the tone of the game and have major orders to go exterminate the automatons because they will not respect the pronouns of Super Earth Citizens.
unreal to me that chuds (egged on by the execrable Mark Kern) are seriously trying to get the CM for Helldivers 2 fired absurd to me that they think they can, and should be able to, get people fired, simply because they dislike their private politics they want a purge, they want GG2 *SO* badly
This cat was kicked out once, he has returned.
I'm at the antifa goat dairy I'm at the beer garden I'm at the combination antifa goat dairy and beer garden @blueheronfarm.bsky.social
I dropped my SOJ next to Meshif in Lut Gholein, thinking it would be duped, and The Wanderer just snatched it up. You might think you're too smart to fall for this, you're wrong.
Low-flow gyres now? Low-flow gyres. They're saying "Oh we can't have the gyres anymore, they're too wide. Oh you can't" you have to turn and turn now. We're bringing back wide gyres on day one.
have so much real work to do. My brain: I bet you could use rainmeter to make your desktop look like the Whirling in Rags and it would only take like a day or two.
Extremely true, watched this happen in real time at in a backed up customs line at Heathrow with my multimillionaire boss.
The airport is the place where many people seem to learn for the very first time that they aren't special
*walking in a winter wonderland* ME: where's bluebird? BIRD: gone ME: w... who are you? *bird looks around shiftily* BIRD: I'm new bird
Nothing brings a bar together like watching a guy spend 8 minutes trying to parallel park outside.
It's dusk, the backwoods of Cleveland are quiet. Two eyes flash open on what we thought was a tree. Bill Waterson's mud-covered silhouette takes shape as he steps into the clearing. It's time to hunt.
A revolution for people without talent, discipline, originality, intelligence, or insight to make hideous mimeographs ✊🏼❤️
Chicago Midway recognizes all 5 genders, including "Telekinetic Infant"
If you are in line at the liquor store STAY IN LINE
End of feed.