Orlando Schwery

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Orlando Schwery


Postdoc @snsf_ch @ Uyeda Lab Virginia Tech, guest @ Brown Lab LSU. Macroevolution, Phylogenetics, Diversification, Model Adequacy, Causal Inference, Dung Beetles. Opinions=own. He/him Mastodon: @[email protected], Twitter: orlando_schwery
We are delighted to announce BEAST X v10.5.0 (beta 1) - the X is to differentiate it from the project 'BEAST2' & to denote these are orthogonal with a common origin. Website: beast.community Github: github.com/beast-dev/be... Many new models, performance enhancements and features (and a new logo)
So I want to talk about this from the perspective of someone who does professional fact checking as part of my work. For some years now I have been paid to check TV and written content themed around animals to make sure it is factually accurate. Chat GPT & AI has made that job so much harder.
Uhhhh… this is probably bad 😬😬
We’ve got a new phylogeny of the ants out as a preprint! It’s been an exciting collaboration with some awesome 🐜 people for the past few years, led by Marek Borowiec and @corriemoreau.bsky.social: www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...
Happy to see this officially out! I hope it will be useful and insightful for any MCMC-novice to debug (and better understand) their phylogenetic analyses! #phylogenetics #mcmc
Our primer on MCMC is approved and published! With @rachelwarnock.bsky.social and @oschwery.bsky.social and Jölle Barido-Sottani and Chi Zhang (not on Bluesky) open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/articles/3-204
Definitely had a very rewarding year of monthly mentoring meetings with @mbomaaaron.bsky.social and strongly encourage anyone (mentor or mentee) to consider joining for the coming year... @systbiol.bsky.social (deadline next week) ...
We're excited to run the SSB Mentorship Program for another year. A rewarding experience that only takes ~1 hour/month. Please share with junior and senior researchers who want to see our phylogenetics community grow! More info and link to apply here: www.systbio.org/mentorship-p...
Mentorship Programwww.systbio.org Last updated June 8 2024
Our Mentorship Program is back for another year! Each cohort consists of 20 mentoring pairs, and matches between mentees and mentors will be created based on shared interests. The expected duration is one year. Learn more here: systbio.org/mentorship-p... Apply by July 5th!
I need to suggest a symposium (or you can steal this idea) of just natural history stories at a meeting. No hypotheses, no stats, just "here is this cool living organism with this wacky trait / behavior / history." Inspired by #Evol2024, maybe look for it at #Evol2025 ...
If you're at virtual #Evol2024 come see Laura Alencar present the first representation of this project @evolmtg.bsky.social at 6:15 in Potpourri 3!
🚨New Paper🚨 @evolletters.bsky.social Check out a cool story behind the importance of ecological opportunities in #lizard #macroevolution! Besides exciting 🦎-biology, it's our 1st go at Causal Inference for #diversification models (our related project funded by @snsf-ch.bsky.social ). More soon!
Cool perspectives on Liolaemus and the role of hybridization in their radiation by Melisa Olave at #Evol2024 @evolmtg.bsky.social Excited to see future insights from this system!
Virtual #Evol2024: If you have to miss a talk that looks interesting to you (bad for your time zone; another speaker at the same time; non-conference life conflict; etc), most speakers have OKed their talks being recorded. After they're processed, you can replay previous sessions from the lobby.
Great talk by @mbomaaaron.bsky.social earlier today on his MSc work exploring variation in wing venation of Danaus butterflies! If you missed it, make sure to check out the recording later 😉 @systbiol.bsky.social #Evol2024
Just submitted the ranking for the abstracts we received and are excited to see what our final lineup will look like! There will be a lot of amazing PCM research at #Evol2024 !
Come explore the frontier of PCM with us! Mariana P. Braga (www.marianapbraga.com ) and I host the symposium “What we can and cannot know through current and upcoming  Phylogenetic Comparative Methods” at the joint @Evol_mtg in Montréal and want your views in that discussion! #Evol2024 🧵1/8
🚨New Paper🚨 @evolletters.bsky.social Check out a cool story behind the importance of ecological opportunities in #lizard #macroevolution! Besides exciting 🦎-biology, it's our 1st go at Causal Inference for #diversification models (our related project funded by @snsf-ch.bsky.social ). More soon!
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for Summer 2024 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE FOR UNDERGRADUATES, BIOLOGY at the American Museum of Natural History. Application Deadline: January 31st 2024 www.amnh.org/research/ric...
Biological Sciences: Research Experience for Undergraduates | AMNHwww.amnh.org Approximately eight students gather each summer at the Museum for a ten-week experience working with curators, faculty, and post-doctoral fellows.
New paper lead by Diego Porto & Sergei Tarasov w/István Mikó & myself introducing a new R package, ontophylo, for reconstructing the evolutionary dynamics of phenomes! Especially cool viz tools for anatomically dependent characters on phylogenies. besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/...
*Giant: large, but more or less the same as the Argiope native to NY **Venomous: like saying "dogs with tails"; basically all spiders are. incredibly few have venom that's harmful to humans; this ain't one ***Flying: they balloon only as babies, to find new homes, like many spiders native to NY 🌿🕷️🧪
Giant venomous flying spiders with 4-inch legs heading to New York area as they spread across East Coast, experts say They do not pose a danger to humans, but the venom could pose a threat to native spiders
Giant venomous flying spiders with 4-inch legs heading to New York area as they spread across East Coast, experts saywww.cbsnews.com "It is a matter of when, not if" the spiders are set to arrive, experts say, and it could happen any day now.
The end of semester #LagoLab party was today- we are saying goodbye to @botana-bedoya.bsky.social whose headed to NYBG as Assistant Curator, Elanor will be taking a gap year working with the National Forest Service and Olivia is starting her PhD at Penn State with @jillahamilton.bsky.social.
A week left to submit abstracts for @evolmtg.bsky.social ! If you haven't yet, consider signing up for our symposium on the "Cans and Can'ts of Phylogenetic Comparative Methods". We're looking forward to theoretical, empirical, and other insights on the frontier of the field #PCM #Evol2024
Come explore the frontier of PCM with us! Mariana P. Braga (www.marianapbraga.com ) and I host the symposium “What we can and cannot know through current and upcoming  Phylogenetic Comparative Methods” at the joint @Evol_mtg in Montréal and want your views in that discussion! #Evol2024 🧵1/8
Come explore the frontier of PCM with us! Mariana P. Braga (www.marianapbraga.com ) and I host the symposium “What we can and cannot know through current and upcoming  Phylogenetic Comparative Methods” at the joint @Evol_mtg in Montréal and want your views in that discussion! #Evol2024 🧵1/8
If you’re applying to give a talk at this year’s Joint Congress, the meeting will include thematic symposia featuring talks selected by symposia organizers from abstract submissions.
Are you a grad student or postdoc who would like to attend #Evol2024? SSE offers registration waivers for grad students and postdocs who need additional funding to attend the meeting. Complete the short application form by March 15: www.evolutionsociety.org/content/soci...
Ooh. New work on identifiability in the fossilized birth-death from some of the finest mathematicians in the biz. To read pile … after Mardi Gras, of course.
🧪Unifying approaches from statistical genetics and phylogenetics for mapping phenotypes in structured populations www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...
New preprint by Albert Soewongsono (amazing postdoc) on diffusion-based representations of ClaSSE models, with results to map out relationships between SSE rates and stationary state frequencies, and minimum times-to-stationarity #evolsky arxiv.org/abs/2402.00246
I'm a new Asst. Prof & Curator of Herpetology at San Diego State www.kinseybrock.com I'm recruiting 2 PhD students & 1 MS student to study effects of urbanization on genetic & phenotypic variation in herps. Study systems in the Greek islands, Italy, and southern CA. Great weather, great herps! ☀️🦎🌴
A massive thank you to everyone who has donated codes. We need more requests for codes, so we can distribute the codes to anyone who wants them. Please share this request link as widely as possible. Thank you. forms.gle/cfopfrE7igpU...
This form was created to facilitate the sharing of invitation codes for "Global South" scholars who may not have the same network privileges as scholars in the "Global North". Scholars who are geographically located in the "Global South" will be given priority. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
BlueSky Invites for "Global South" scholars formdocs.google.com This form was created to facilitate the sharing of invitation codes for Blue Sky which do not seem to be reaching "Global South" scholars who may not have the same network privileges as scholars in th...
BlueSky Invites for "Global South" scholars formforms.gle This form was created to facilitate the sharing of invitation codes for Blue Sky which do not seem to be reaching "Global South" scholars who may not have the same network privileges as scholars in th...