Kevin Turing

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Kevin Turing

bi, gaymer, hacker, nonsense in the icy icy north
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people are always like "i have nothing to post about, nothing ever happens to me". and i'm like, nothing ever happens to anyone, you just have to be able to describe things in a way that makes them interesting. but if i'm being honest... things do kinda happen to me
can’t stop posting lately
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
Call JD Vance World War 1 the way he fucked the ottomans
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
etc etc fcf
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
why do we continually allow ralph lauren to embarrass our athletes and our nation
how else could quasimodo see at night?
bringing a torch to Notre Dame… are we sure this is a good idea
> love a meeting that starts with "we're having this on a video call, because I didn't want any of this to be in writing"
etc etc fcf
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ugggggh — my job is switching me from exempt to non-exempt. I'm not losing benefits but I do have to go back to filing hours, my ADHD brain HATES this
It's cool how this apartment place is doing yardwork every day I have a meeting; it's almost a better predictor than my own calendar.
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
Interesting that Jennifer Aniston is talking shit about JD Vance but had no problem working with his ex
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ahhhh — love that new teeth feel you get after a professional cleaning
Anyways, once again returned to the playboy mansion of implicit debauchery — the dentist office which is staffed by one dentist who’s been 80 since the 1950s and two dozen dental hygienists fresh out of school
I really need to get a PCP so I can stop writing N/A on all my paperwork and also figure out what’s going on with my back thing
Brushing your teeth before going to the dentist is like cleaning up before a maid comes
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
the DNC should demand a casual couch format for the VP debate lol
Haven’t been posting as much lately because I’m either doing stuff or sitting perfectly still staring into the middle distance
Prozac has been making me feel real weird and I don’t know if this is how it’s supposed to feel or what
Prozac has been making me feel real weird and I don’t know if this is how it’s supposed to feel or what
Need to working on processing results. Instead googling “do bugs sleep”
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
Happy got ya day to this little lady. 1 year ago today ❤️
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Forgot to put on underwear before leaving the house, but ayyy they had my four missing pills 🎉
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
hillary clinton being forced to endorse kamala harris for first woman president is possibly the funniest thing that could've happened. hillary is gonna grind her teeth completely smooth and flat flat in rage by election day
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next election cycle i hope we all stop pretending to be the main character of a fantasy novel
No. We're not fucked. There's no giving up, because if we do THEN we're fucked. Don't just give the fuckers the win, now or ever. Fight for yourself, fight for the people you care about, fight for the people who will be even more fucked than you will be. Be pissed that you have to fight. But fight.
Great part of ssris is like,, yeah I’m prolly gonna take forever, but also, when I do get there, it isn’t going to be satisfying in the slightest
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Turing
i love point and click puzzle games like this bc yeah I DO feel like i should be able to go anywhere and fuck around with anything i want, period. your machinery? mine now. the doors? those are for me and i'm going in there. i'm taking your items and none of you can stop me
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