
Turning a big dial that says "Racisme" on it
“On Tuesday, Mr. Macron accused the new left-wing New Popular Front alliance of Socialist, Green & far-left parties of being totally “immigrationiste” — a word often used by Ms. Le Pen’s party to describe politicians who encourage uncontrolled immigration.” It’s all masks off in The West.
The Nation Resurgent, and Borders, In France, as in the United States, feelings harden against immigrants, and President Emmanuel Macron and President Biden take note.
NYT being incredibly generous here by not reporting on the breathtaking transphobia in the same interview where he mentions how absurd the left wing program is by offering to “have a sex change at city hall”. Don’t scratch him too hard, you know what will bleed.
The NYT is a big fan of transphobia.
Yeah, I half expected the usual “he voiced common concerns” bullshit.