
Man, twenty years ago when I told people I disliked John Hughes movies it was as if I had defecated in the punchbowl, and if I said it today I would be accused of clout-chasing. Dang ol’ moral arc of the universe is long but bends towards justice, I tell you whut.
See also: Joss Whedon, American Beauty
I know that I'm not a Movie Guy but watching American Beauty was a deeply confusing experience. So many people had said it was a masterpiece.
So many people, as always, are wrong. I have Opinions on certain movies currently regarded as masterpieces that would get me hung in polite company.
I couldn't believe people praised that piece of crap when I finally saw it - if you'd told me it was a Verhoeven-esque satire of Oscarbait movies, I'd almost believe you - I laughed out loud at the plastic bag scene - people actually thought that bullshit was profound! Madness!
and of course the director has gone on to make many equally terrible movies, the worst kind of pretentious hack
The only upside to the demise of cinema is Sam Mendes' non-Bond movies dying a death at the box office, as they should
It is extremely of the moment in nearly every way and further, it sacrificed a lot of human universality for an extremely white, extremely suburban story that was in a lot of ways a throwback to the Hayes code themes except they were able to show more.
American Beauty was always trash.
Absolutely, but when i said so at the time people were shocked
It was a time of Important Films, and folks were conditioned to clap like a seal when Kevin Spacey showed up.
The director being an Important Person from British Theatre also contributed. Possibly the most boring director currently working in studio movies.
I remember people saying in '99 that this & Fight Club were a tag-team of criticism of the American way of life, and thus important etc. When I finally watched this, I remember thinking a) Spacey is creepy & an asshole in this, & b) that there must be some wrong w/ me, as I thought it was just okay.
I was a huge Spacey fan when I saw that movie and I still fucking hated it. It was just that bad.
I loved American Beauty on first viewing. On second viewing, I realised I'd been scammed the first time. (Same with Call Me By Your Name)
It was the second dvd I bought and immediately thought the same.
One of the very few movies that I almost walked out of the theater on - and if I hadn't been a starving grad student who didn't want to waste the money I'd already spent, the odds would have been higher that I'd done so.
I was pissed that Spacey won the Oscar over Russell Crowe in the Insider
I'm pissed that Spacey got work.
I used to have to explain to people that I was uncomfortable with it because I am relatively close in age to Mena Suvari and so it made me very uncomfortable and grossed me out. That really should have made them think that something was wrong with it.
There was a lot wrong with it. Still is.
It feels like something from another age, and it's kind of terrifying how recently something like that was not just possible but celebrated
even some films from the mid-late 00s feel like they're from a different age (not to mention tv like little britain etc)
I caught some fragments of The IT Crowd a little while ago and that felt more like something from the 70s than the 00s
I used to be a big JW fan (I was the right age for Buffy) but the rumours around his treatment of Charisma Carpenter were circulating the internet reasonably early on so the sheen did come off. I really dislike his version of Much Ado
The rest can pound sand for all I care, but I'll always have room for PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES.
Yeah I always liked that one. It’s a real movie not some teen fantasy
At exactly the age & in exactly the demographic I was supposed to love John Hughes, I saw The Breakfast Club & thought “Okay, the Judd Nelson character getting beaten by his parents has a legitimate beef with the universe, all the rest of you STOP WHINING.”
I saw Ferris Bueller and thought, that kid should have been drafted and sent to Nam
Puts me in mind of the reading of John Wick that it's what happens to Ted 'Theodore' Logan in the reality where doesn't get out of going to military school
Movie's a grotesque Reaganite victory lap.
Pretty in Pink can stay because it has Harry Dean Stanton. 16 Candles should be launched into the sun.
Pretty in Pink is what 16 Candles wanted to be.
smug rich kid has a $7K Emu Emulator II (~$20K in today's money) that he uses to make sick noises to get out of school... hated him then, hated him now.
Growing up anywhere near the actual North Shore & seeing those movies was like, "Don't EVER tell me to feel sorry for any of these rich assholes."
Meanwhile, I was over here on the East Coast, 3000 miles away and a 2-3 steps below them, economically. "Rich California Kids with cars & swimming pools" didn't exactly resonate, and a movie ticket cost more than an hour's pay bagging groceries, dammit.
Rich Illinois kids (North Shore of Chicago) but yes, this.
my kid has been watching the breakfast club nonstop for the past few weeks, any chance they get. let me tell you, it doesn’t hold up.
woody allen is over, if you want it
This but for Kevin Smith, an embarrassing hack who somehow became the voice of a generation (this is why Gen X fucking sucks) and even somehow fraud ed and conned his way into being one of the first inductees into the Criterion Collection (with probably his worst aged film, at that)
Like, Clerks was a watershed landmark movie for indie cinema and I could very easily see an argument for THAT being in Criterion, but Chasing Amy? Before fucking Tarkovsky?
As this boring, ambitionless douches' movies got worse and worse over time to the point he was releasing true garbage like Tusk and Yoga Hosers, I think the universe let out a roaring sigh of relief when he went into a semi-retirement to do shitty podcasts, a task much better suited to his "talents"
If anything I'd punt Clerks and just have Chasing Amy as the 1 nod to what he brought to the game. It's the most polished and accessible version of what he had to offer ["there's two bros, and their orbiting friend group, and things get a lil zany"], and it was downhill from there.
Counterpoint: this rules
An absolute ton of fun. And smart. Smith is a delight this thread is shit San Dimas high school football rules!!!!