the mjl (michael j leblanc)

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the mjl (michael j leblanc)

Engineer. Musician. Wily Chaote. Full-Stack Acerbic Humanist.




Middle of Massachusetts.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
You're missing all the best takes on twitter
Bro if France resists the tide of fascism and we don’t it will be so fucking embarrassing
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
It’s also terrible luck for Biden to be president in a time where, unlike all previous economies, the strength of the economy was solely judged by “cumulative inflation over a four-year period” instead of the inflation rate, unemployment rate, GDP, stock market, real consumption, or job satisfaction
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
The Nazi/Elno site quietly took down my post. So, I posted it again over there. We wait. Almost every single author of every chapter of this 900+ page dystopian project was directly or indirectly involved with 1/6/21. Some of them are in prison presently. Keep posting it. Everyone needs to see it.
our political nerd class spent too much time learning how to do regressions and not nearly enough time learning about postmodernism
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
hey, why did you delete your threads account...? 😂
NYT just left Threads (as in "deleted their account"). Just in case you were wondering how "the crowd" was reacting to the NYT over there...😂
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
There are many things that infuriate me about the pundit class right now, but probably one of the top on my list: Project 2025 has posted their plans for every single federal department on their website. They have a training academy for prospective appointees. Where are the hard hitting op-eds?
Look I Know Miss J.D. Ferguson Said This Pot Was Used By Bonnie Prince Charlie But As A Local Historian I Have Standards You Know.
I'm afraid I did it better
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
every second commercial on American TV is an ad for medication, and all of them are like “possible side effects include death, death a different way, your bones come out of your body, and death a third way”, and it’ll be medication for like “sometimes itchy scalp”
“As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.”
Why is the pundit class so desparate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
Spoiled failgrandson throwing a tantrum and taking down his inheritance and the country at the same time. Recall when the NYT editorial board showed its ass to all of us by making a documentary about their 2020 endorsement, sneering at Biden and then somehow endorsing two people who had no chance.
So, maybe let's focus on something other than replacing Biden?
Distribution of counterfeit money is a federal crime.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Black people stuck down South are actually fighting, “Bro” And they are welcome up here, too.
being mad at the dead is a waste of time when there are plenty of people above ground who deserve my fury and breathe my fucking air
Y'all ain't mad at RBG tho?
I just cleaned out my junk drawer & found a $100 gift card from a year or two ago - just donated it to the Biden campaign. You got any old unused gift cards lying around?
One of the things that sucks about actually being able to “do your own research” is how I’m constantly being shown the ways that my patients, people I care about, or in this case all American children, are suffering horribly from easily preventable problems that I am still unable to solve in any way
When little kids don’t have stable housing, it can affect their health Researchers following a group of American children for decades found that even short periods of housing instability increased the chances of poor mental and physical health years later.
"Today’s Supreme Court has just recreated one of the most despicable cases in English history, a case that signified the apex of absolutism in British history and was repudiated by a revolution for the damage it caused."
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
roberts essentially ignores the purpose of separation of powers, which was not to create entirely separate spheres of action but to prevent the emergence of unchecked authority. instead, he says, separation of powers *demands* unchecked authority.