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Libraries are for everyone!
Please do yourself a favor and listen to this episode! It is healing medicine.
Mike Parson has a history of pardoning white people and not pardoning black people even when prosecutors and judges agree a man was wrongfully convicted.
And yet Parson refused clemency for an innocent Black man.
Thank you @chuckwendig.bsky.social for giving me nightmares about apples!
I miss the big fat Chicago Sunday newspapers of my youth.
Reminder in case you and your friends/fam need this as much as mine have this week: Any adults who test positive for Covid or flu (or both 🫠) in the US can get free telemed + free treatment (like Tamiflu or Paxlovid) from this NIH-funded program: test2treat.org
My 80 yr. old mom is in the hospital and bored. She likes Stephen King but has read all his books. Recommendations?
Y’all cannot say you want more black people on this app out of one side of your mouth and then participate in anti-blackness out of the other side.
Drinking wine out of a coffee mug while reliving childhood trauma. No one can hurt you like your parents can.
Monthly reminder: It’s okay to buy more books. It’s okay to get more books from the library. It’s okay to buy books you won’t read for years. It’s okay to pile books everywhere. It’s okay to get different editions of the same book. Books are awesome. Do whatever makes you happy.
Based on a design by Reddit user Mahranaka, used by kind permission.
I love this idea. Mark Jacob at his Substack: fact checking is not enough. "We need fact-crusading, not just fact-checking. Yes, fact-crusading. News media must hold the facts in such high regard that the enemies of truth become their adversaries." Mark is a former editor at the Chicago Tribune.
Fact-checking isn’t enough. We need fact-crusading.www.stopthepresses.news The enemies of truth should be called out and confronted, not just corrected.
“Novelist, poet, and educator Heba Abu Nada, a beloved figure in the Palestinian literary community and the author of Oxygen is Not for the Dead, was killed in her home south of Gaza City by an Israeli airstrike on Friday. She was thirty-two years old.” lithub.com/read-the-las...
Read the last words of writer Heba Abu Nada, who was killed last week by an Israeli airstrike.lithub.com Novelist, poet, and educator Heba Abu Nada, a beloved figure in the Palestinian literary community and the author of Oxygen is Not for the Dead, was killed in her home south of Gaza City by an Isra…
It’s so deranged that the US is somehow the only country that can afford to fund two foreign wars, but can’t afford universal healthcare. I promise you’re a lot more likely to die from cancer than Al Qaeda.
Does anyone have a book birthday coming up soon? #kidlit
I just noticed we don't have animated GIFs here and I kind of miss them. 😢
Wealth of Elon Musk 2012: $2,000,000,000 2023: $248,800,000,000 Wealth of Jeff Bezos 2012: $18,400,000,000 2023: $160,900,000,000 Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg 2012: $17,500,000,000 2023: $105,200,000,000 Federal Minimum Wage 2012: $7.25 2023: $7.25 Three words: tax the rich.
Midnight Society on Bluesky! 😍😍😍😍😍
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
My husband has a job interview in Minnesota tomorrow. He is ready for a new adventure. I am ready to get the hell out of Dodge! Send your best vibes, luck, ju ju etc.
I am getting "Land Before Time" feels in a good way!
End of feed.